Quality of Life 

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Quality of Life

Quality of Life
Quality of Life

ORDER A Quality of Life PAPER TODAY!

Ask your participant what gives their life meaning, and what they see as areas they could improve on that would improve their Quality of Life (QOL). Collaborate with them to set three short-term and three long-term goals that would bring more quality to their life.

  • Then collect all the data and write a paper using the following as a guide.
  • Describe your applicant, including information about their age, gender, general health, and comfort level with the interview.
  • Analyze the QOL survey you performed.
  • Identify three areas of concern that you see involving risk.
  • Discuss what components of a successful aging theory applies to them.
  • Discuss how this person’s life aligns with qualities of health in the Blue Zones.
  • Collaborate with your participant in creating three short-term and three long-term goals that they feel are most important to improving their quality of life.
  • Describe what you have learned about your role as a nurse practitioner in this setting.
  • Ensure that your paper is no longer than 3 to 5 pages, not including the title and reference pages.
  • Use APA (7th edition) formatting for in-text citations.
  • Use at least three scholarly references, preferably from provider-based or NP-based journals.
  • Use the Quality of Life Survey Template (Word) (Links to an external site.) to organize your paper.
  • Review the Quality of Life Assignment lecture in Week 2 Lectures and the APA guidelines.

If an Internet connection is not available during your interview, print the survey to ensure that you ask the exact question and answer options, then enter the person’s answers later and print the results as an Adobe PDF.


ORDER A Quality of Life PAPER TODAY!


Find a senior adult over the age of 60 willing to spend about an hour with you discussing their health and developing a plan to improve their quality of life. You can meet with them in person, over the phone, or online. This person can be a friend, family member, or acquaintance. Assure them that their information will remain confidential—and then be sure to keep that confidentiality in your assignment!


Quality of Life Survey Outline


I: Analysis of QOL Survey

  • Describe applicant age, gender, state of general health, comfort level with interview.
  • Analyze the QOL survey. What do you think looks good or is an area you want to explore more?
  • Identify 3 areas of concern that you see involve risk

II Application of Theory or Model

  • Discuss what components of a successful aging theory and explain how this applies to the individual. Give examples.
  • Compare how this person’s life aligns or does not align with someone in the Blue Zone areas. Give examples.

III Collaboration with Participant

  • Collaborate with your participant on 3 short term goals the participant feels will improve their QOL.
  • Collaborate with your participant on 3 long term goals the participant feels will improve their QOL.

IV Role as an NP

  • Go back to the beginning and see what your initial concerns were for this participant and then look at the goals your participant set. Note if these were different.
  • Explain the role of patient centered care and your role as an NP in helping people achieve the best quality of life they can.

V APA and Other Notes

  • Please refer to APA 7th edition for formatting and all citations.
  • Paper should be no more than 5 pages including title page and reference page.
  • Be sure to submit the completed survey plus your paper.
  • Similarity score should be no more than 15%.
  • Refer to information on APA and plagiarism.
  • Be sure to review the rubric.