Childhood Obesity

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Childhood Obesity

Childhood Obesity
Childhood Obesity

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This assignment is about writing a letter to a congressional leader about a health issue in the community of Baltimore City. The health issue I choose is Childhood Obesity. Please see below for further instructions. I will also attach the worksheet that shows what is expected in the letter.

Identify an appropriate congressional leader about a selected population health issue in your nearby community. You will need to research the official and explain why you chose to contact them (have they historically opposed or supported uour selected population/issue? Are they involved in any committees/projects that might influence this population/issue?). You may contact any nursing advocacy organization for related topics and/or legislative bills for information also. You will then, write a one-page letter (not to be sent necessarily) to the identified congressional leader introducing yourself, giving a brief summary with statistical/scientific support about the issue you are addressing.

Finally, you must describe your suggested solution to the issue and what you desire the leader to do concerning it. You must use three (3) scholarly resources in your research and here is a Worksheet Download Worksheethat you may find helpful when constructing your letter. This worksheet does not need to be submitted with your letter.

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