response to student post CO HV

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response to student post CO HV

response to student post CO HV
response to student post CO HV

Jenifer post,

Medication and patient scanning percentages has been a big push in my organization in recent months. We already have an electronic medication administration record, but since implementation the scanning percentages have been falling. A system to prevent errors is not effective if it is not used, so we have begun to revisit the process and identify barriers. Some issues that have come to light include: medication barcodes that are not in the library, nurses creating work-arounds to administer medications more quickly, and equipment failure. All of these barriers create patient safety issues. When barcodes aren’t registered the nurses override the scanning process, potentially administering the wrong medication without a safety check in place to stop them. When nurses pull medications to administer quickly they are skipping the scanning process just to save time, but may make an error in their haste. Scanning equipment is based on technology and technology can fail. Sometimes the batteries deplete, the computers malfunction, or the equipment gets broken. All of these things cause barriers to scanning medications.

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One big barrier to translating research into practice is adequate organizational support (Ausmed, 2018). Support is a critical part of any change process. Without support, team members feel as though it’s entirely up to them and there is a huge amount of pressure to be successful, without the much-needed help. Another barrier is the ability to understand the high-level information produced by a translational study (Ausmed, 2018). Statistics can be tricky and understanding how to convert findings to real world practice can be challenging. Just understanding the outcome of a study and what it can mean for your organization may be a barrier to translating research into practice.