Respond to at least two of your colleagues* on two different days, asking questions to help clarify the scenario and application of data, or offering additional/alternative ideas for the application of nursing informatics principles.

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Respond to at least two of your colleagues* on two different days, asking questions to help clarify the scenario and application of data, or offering additional/alternative ideas for the application of nursing informatics principles.

With this scenario please address this question in the response (How does data become information)? 


Good Morning Miss Roberson. “I’m calling from The Centers of Disease Control to perform a survey about the Covid
 19 in your household”. Is it possible to ask you a few questions?
These types of Health surveys are common; They are called Research Data surveys and are one of the few types of data collected specifically for research purposes; according to an article by Washington Health Sciences Library.  You may have received a call from an official representing a national agency that gathers information for the sole purpose of research. This research is done to provide better care and resources for patients in hospital settings, as well as in the community. Health Data is a way of gathering, analyzing and linking information about people and their health to enable us to make advances in healthcare. (HDRUK, 2022). Rsearch data can be collected by phone via telephone or on paper in the form of  filling out a survey. This data can be collected by populations or globally either way these  global policy reports help keep clinicians across the globe up to date on mortality changes over time and also compare progress in a variety of health areas; it also helps countries compare changes against each other (IHME, 2022).

As an ICU nurse, healthcare data research has helped us better understand disease and health conditions by providing new ways of identifying people most at risk of becoming ill, diagnosing diseases earlier,and providing better care and treatment ( HDRUK, 2022). Clinical leaders have used the  information to provide treatment for diseases such as Covid, to staff our unit appropriately, and to seek out the best treatment beneficial for our specific patient population.



Data Resources in the Health Sciences: Clinical Data. Library Guides. (n.d.). Retrieved May 31, 2022, from

©HDR UK 2022. All rights reserved. |  Design and development by Soapbox Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. (2022, May 23). 
Retrieved May 31, 2022, from





Discussion Response

Hello. Thanks for the insightful discussion. From your discussion, I have learned that healthcare data is important in understanding disease and health conditions because it allows for the tracking of patterns and trends in both the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. This information can then be used to develop more effective treatments, as well as improve patient care. Additionally, healthcare data can also be used to identify potential risk factors for certain diseases, which can help to promote early detection and prevention (Rathee et al., 2020). Overall, healthcare data is a valuable tool in our fight against disease and improving public health. However, one of the questions I would ask is: What are some of the ethical practices to be observed during the collection of healthcare data?

In order for healthcare data to become information, it must be processed and analyzed. The raw data is collected by healthcare providers and then it is entered into a database. From there, it can be analyzed to help improve patient care. The data can be used to improve the quality of care by identifying patterns and finding new ways to prevent or treat conditions (Aceto et al., 2020). It can also help reduce costs by targeting treatments that are most likely to be effective. The data can also be used to measure the quality of care and track improvements over time.

The healthcare data to information process can be divided into two main categories: structured and unstructured data. Structured data is where most of the valuable information is found. This type of data is neat, clean, and organized into a predefined format that computers can read easily. Examples of structured data include Electronic Health Records (EHRs), doctors’ appointment schedules, and laboratory test results (Chen et al., 2020). On the other hand, unstructured data is much messier. It can come in the form of images, videos, text notes, or free-form comments entered into EHRs. Although this type of data is not as easy for computers to read, it often contains important clues that can be pieced together.


Aceto, G., Persico, V., & Pescapé, A. (2020). Industry 4.0 and health: Internet of things, big data, and cloud computing for healthcare 4.0. Journal of Industrial Information Integration18, 100129.

Chen, P. T., Lin, C. L., & Wu, W. N. (2020). Big data management in healthcare: Adoption challenges and implications. International Journal of Information Management53, 102078.

Rathee, G., Sharma, A., Saini, H., Kumar, R., & Iqbal, R. (2020). A hybrid framework for multimedia data processing in IoT-healthcare using blockchain technology. Multimedia Tools and Applications79(15), 9711-9733.