Provide rationale for the need to change the status quo.

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Provide rationale for the need to change the status quo.

Provide rationale for the need to change the status quo.
Provide rationale for the need to change the status quo.

Additionally, the current status quo with respect to sepsis is that there is lack of a robust analytical system aimed at detecting and identifying sepsis at an early stage. Globally, there is an ongoing debate especially in the healthcare industry regarding the exact timing of treatment for sepsis. In this perspective, incorporating a robust early detection and identification system for sepsis can be vital in boosting sepsis survival rates globally. Clinicians are the first line of care especially for patients who are at a critical stage of sepsis. There exist various reasons why there is need to shift from the status quo regarding sepsis and implement actionable, efficient and robust analytical frameworks for sepsis. First, it will aid in saving many lives of people affected by sepsis. The analytical system will aid in early detection, identification and diagnosis of sepsis by clinicians thus boosting survival rates and achieve desirable outcomes among patients. The cost of treating sepsis especially at later stages can be very high. Increased cost can make many patients shy away from accessing such care as they cannot afford it. However, early detection and diagnosis is not expensive and in this case, patients would achieve desirable outcomes within a short time (Kim & Park, 2019). Eventually, many lives of patients with sepsis will be saved thus positively impacting families, communities and nations.

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