Identify the clinical issue that will be the focus of your Quality Improvement project.

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Identify the clinical issue that will be the focus of your Quality Improvement project.

Identify the clinical issue that will be the focus of your Quality Improvement project.
Identify the clinical issue that will be the focus of your Quality Improvement project.

The importance of undertaking and implementing quality improvement project in the healthcare environment cannot be understated. It would serve to boost the performance in a specific healthcare environment. Optimization of sepsis care is the first clinical issue that the quality improvement project would focus on. Sepsis is becoming a major health concern globally as there is high risk of death when one gets it. Specifically, delayed sepsis identification has been one of the biggest impediments to achieving desirable health outcomes among patients. However, integrating an analytical system as part of the quality improvement project will help in optimizing sepsis care. Specifically, this will involve early identification of sepsis through use of a robust data-driven approach. Developing this type of analytical system such as machine learning would help clinicians to have real-time actionable data that will then aid in boost early detection of sepsis (Klompas et al., 2020). Consequently, requisite health interventions would be implemented. On top of this, there would be rapid intervention concerning severe sepsis and this will help reduce mortality and improve health outcomes among patients. One of the most significant challenges when dealing with sepsis is that scientists have not been able to come up with an approved medicine that can help in targeting the impaired or aggressive immune system. For this reason, the need for clinicians to have access to high quality and robust analytical systems aimed at detecting sepsis would be crucial.

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