PHHE 453 Prescott College Income Statements Worksheet

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PHHE 453 Prescott College Income Statements Worksheet

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3-1 CHAPTER 3 The Income Statement and Statement of Changes in Equity This chapter begins our discussion of financial accounting. In addition to providing the fundamentals of financial accounting, it covers two important financial statements: the income statement and the statement of changes in equity. Copyright © 2012 by the Foundation of the American College of Healthcare Executives 10/25/11 Version 3-2 Introduction to Financial Accounting ◼Financial accounting involves identifying, recording, and communicating the operational results and status of an organization (as opposed to a subunit). ◼Financial accounting information is conveyed by a business’s financial statements: ⚫Income statement ⚫Statement of changes in equity ⚫Balance sheet ⚫Statement of cash flows 3-3 Introduction to Financial Acct. (Cont.) ◼ The requirement to provide financial accounting information is driven by the need of outsiders to have reliable information regarding the financial status of an organization. ◼ However, the information presented in financial statements is as important to managers as it is to investors.   Who are the outsiders? Do not-for-profit organizations have to prepare financial statements? 3-4 Regulation and Standards ◼ The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has the legal authority to regulate the form and content of financial statements. ◼ However, the SEC relies on the following organizations for implementation: ⚫ Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) ⚫ Industry Committees of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) ⚫ Principles and Practices Board of the Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA) 3-5 GAAP ◼ The conventions that have evolved from the pronouncements and rulings of the implementing organizations constitute a set of guidelines for the preparation of financial accounting statements called generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). ◼ The GAAP applies only to financial accounting statements (as opposed to statements constructed for internal use).  Does the GAAP remain static over time? 3-6 Conceptual Framework for the Recording of Economic Events ◼The goal of financial accounting is to provide information that is useful to present and future investors and other users in making rational financial and investment decisions. ◼To achieve this goal, GAAP specifies four assumptions, four principles, and four constraints. 3-7 Conceptual Framework (Cont.) ◼Assumptions ⚫Accounting entity ⚫Going concern ⚫Accounting period ⚫Monetary unit ◼Principles ⚫Historical costs ⚫Revenue recognition ⚫Cost matching ⚫Full disclosure 3-8 Conceptual Framework (Cont.) ◼Constraints ⚫Objectivity ⚫Materiality ⚫Consistency ⚫Conservatism 3-9 Cash Versus Accrual Accounting ◼Cash accounting recognizes an event when a cash transaction takes place. ⚫Simple and easy ⚫Mimics tax statements ◼Accrual accounting recognizes an event when a cash obligation is created. ⚫More complicated ⚫Provides a better picture of the true economic status of a business ⚫Is required by GAAP 3 – 10 Recording and Compiling Data ◼ A transaction is an exchange of goods (including cash) or services from one individual or business to another. ◼ Once a transaction is identified, it must be recorded, or posted, to an account, which identifies a unique activity within the business. ◼ Businesses use a chart of accounts to assign numeric identifiers to individual accounts. 3 – 11 Income Statement Basics ◼ Perhaps the most important question about a business’s financial status is whether or not it is making money. ◼ The income statement provides information about a business’s operations and economic profitability. ◼ The income statement is often called by other names: ⚫ Statement of operations ⚫ Statement of activities ⚫ Statement of revenues and expenses 3 – 12 Income Statement Basics (Cont.) ◼ The income statement reports the results of operations over some period of time, say, a year. It has three key elements: ⚫ Revenues, which under accrual accounting represent both cash received and payer obligations. ⚫ Expenses, which are the resource expenditures required to produce the revenues. Again, note that under accrual accounting both cash and noncash expenses are recognized. ⚫ Profit measure Net Income = Revenues Expenses. 3 – 13 Sunnyvale Clinic: Revenues (in thousands) 2011 Revenues: Net patient service revenue $150,118 $123,565 Premium revenue 18,782 16,455 Other revenue 3,079 2,704 Total revenues $171,979 $142,724 2010 3 – 14 Revenues ◼ Revenues are shown in several different formats depending on the type of provider. Sunnyvale has three revenue categories. ◼ Net patient service revenue reflects the amount of revenues expected to be collected from the provision of patient services (as opposed to gross revenue, which is based on chargemaster prices). ◼ Premium revenue represents revenue from capitated patients. ◼ Other revenue is revenue from activities directly related to patient services, such as parking fees and cafeteria revenues. 3 – 15 Revenues (Cont.) ◼In reporting net patient service revenues, note how the following categories are handled: ⚫Discounts and allowances from gross prices are not reported as revenue. ⚫Charity care is not reported as revenue. ⚫Under current GAAP, bad debt losses are not reported as revenue, but are reported in the expense section. ◼Beginning in 2012, expected bad debt losses will be reported as a deduction in the revenue section. 3 – 16 Revenues (Cont.) ◼Note that the revenue reported does not represent the amount of cash collected: ⚫Some portion has not yet been collected. The uncollected portion will appear on the balance sheet in an account titled receivables. ⚫In addition, some revenues reported in the previous year were collected this year. 3 – 17 Sunnyvale Clinic: Expenses (in thousands) 2011 Expenses: Salaries and benefits $126,223 $102,334 Supplies 20,568 18,673 Insurance 4,518 3,710 Lease 3,189 2,603 Depreciation 6,405 5,798 Provision for bad debts 2,000 1,800 Interest 5,329 3,476 Total expenses $168,232 $138,394 2010 3 – 18 Expenses ◼ Expenses represent the resources used to create revenues–they are the costs of doing business. Like revenues, under accrual accounting expenses do not necessarily reflect cash outlays. ◼ Expenses may be categorizes by: ⚫ Natural classification, such as salaries, supplies, research, and so on. ⚫ Functional classification, such as inpatient services, outpatient services, and so on.  Which classification system is better?  Which system does Sunnyvale use? 3 – 19 Expenses (Cont.) ◼ Salaries and benefits expense represents labor costs. ⚫ Typically, this is the largest expense category for health services organizations. ◼ Supplies expense represents the cost of expendable (primarily medical) materials. ⚫ The dollar amount shown represents the amount consumed, not the amount purchased. ⚫ Supply stocks are reported on the balance sheet. 3 – 20 Expenses (Cont.) ◼Insurance expense represents the cost of commercial insurance purchased to protect the clinic against several risks, including: ⚫Property risks • Fire • Weather ⚫Liability risks • Managerial malfeasance • Medical liability 3 – 21 Expenses (Cont.) ◼ Sunnyvale owns most of its land and buildings, but it leases much of its diagnostic equipment. Lease expense reports the cost of its leases. ⚫ On the balance sheet, some leased assets are reported directly (on the face) while others appear only in the footnotes. ⚫ Regardless of balance sheet treatment, all lease expense is reported on the income statement.  Why do organizations use leases? 3 – 22 Expenses (Cont.) ◼ Depreciation expense arises because of the matching principle–expenses must be matched to the revenues with which they are associated. ◼ While operating costs such as labor and supplies are assumed to produce immediate revenues and hence are moreor-less immediately reported (expensed) on the income statement, the costs of longlived assets (buildings and equipment) are not reported on the income statement at the time the acquisition is made. 3 – 23 Expenses (Cont.) ◼ Rather, the “cost” of a long-lived asset is first capitalized (recorded on the balance sheet as an asset of the business). Then, this amount is amortized (or spread) over the accounting life of the asset, which means the cost is shown (expensed) on the income statement as small increments over time. ◼ The amortization expense of buildings and equipment when listed on the income statement is called depreciation. ◼ For financial accounting purposes, depreciation is calculated by the straight-line method. 3 – 24 Expenses (Cont.) ◼Most expense items listed on the income statement only approximate actual cash expenditures. The relationship is not exact because of accrual accounting. ◼However, depreciation (and amortization) are expenses that typically have no associated cash expenditure during the accounting period. ◼Such an expense is referred to as a noncash expense. 3 – 25 Expenses (Cont.) ◼ Provision for bad debts reports the amount of net patient service revenue that is not expected to be collected. ⚫ It is an estimate based on past experience. ⚫ Past estimates are reconciled when the data are known. ⚫ This item will be moved into the revenue section in 2012. ◼ Interest expense reports the amount of interest paid (or obligated) on debt financing. 3 – 26 Sunnyvale Clinic: Operating Income (in thousands) 2011 2010 Revenues: Total revenues $171,979 $142,724 Expenses: Total expenses $168,232 $138,394 Operating income $ 3,747 $ 4,330 3 – 27 Operating Income ◼Although the reporting of revenue and expenses is important, profitability is the most important element of the income statement . ◼Operating income measures economic profitability as defined by GAAP with a focus on patient service activities. ◼It is an important measure of profitability because it represents the organization’s core business. 3 – 28 Sunnyvale Clinic: Nonoperating Income (in thousands) 2011 2010 Nonoperating income: Contributions $ 243 $ 198 Investment income 3,870 3,678 Total nonop. income $ 4,113 $ 3,876 3 – 29 Nonoperating Income ◼ Nonoperating income reports income (revenues) from activities not related to the provision of patient services. ◼ Contributions report donations to Sunnyvale Clinic that can be immediately spent. (Contributions that create endowments are not reported on the income statement.) ◼ Investment income lists income from (1) excess cash held as reserves or to meet known future needs and (2) endowments. 3 – 30 Sunnyvale Clinic: Net Income (in thousands) 2011 Operating income Total nonop. income Net income 2010 $ 3,747 $ 4,330 $ 4,113 $ 3,876 $ 7,860 $ 8,206 3 – 31 Net Income ◼ The second measure of profitability, which is often referred to as the “bottom line,” is net income. ◼ Net income measures the overall (total) economic profitability as defined by GAAP. ◼ In not-for-profit businesses, net income typically is called: ⚫ Revenues over expenses ⚫ Excess of revenues over expenses ⚫ Change in net assets 3 – 32 Net Income (Cont.) ◼ The income statements of some not-for-profit corporations contain a section below the net income line that reconciles net income with the balance sheet net assets (equity) account. (Sunnyvale uses a separate statement, discussed shortly.) ◼ Note that economic profitability is a complex concept that is very difficult to measure, because economic gains and losses often are not matched by easily identifiable and measurable events. 3 – 33 Net Income Versus Cash Flow ◼Because of accrual accounting, net income does not represent cash flow. ⚫ Some income statement items represent cash flows, others do not. ⚫ Some, such as revenues, represent partial cash flows. ◼With only income statement data, cash flow (CF) can be approximated by: CF = Net income + Noncash expenses = Net income + Depreciation = $7,860,000 + $6,405,000 = $14,265,000. 3 – 34 Income Statements of Investor-Owned Businesses ◼ The income statements of investorowned and not-for-profit businesses are very similar. ⚫ The revenues and costs to organizations in the same line of business are similar, regardless of ownership. ⚫ However, some transactions, such as income tax payments, clearly are applicable only to forprofit businesses. ◼ Line of business differences have a greater impact on financial statements than do ownership differences. 3 – 35 Sunnyvale Clinic: Statement of Changes in Equity (in thousands) 2011 Net income 2010 $ 7,860 $ 8,206 Equity, beginning of year $ 46,208 $ 38,002 Equity, end of year $ 54,068 $ 46,208 3 – 36 Statement of Changes in Equity ◼ The statement of changes in equity reconciles the income statement net income item with the balance sheet equity account. ◼ For a not-for-profit organization, the entire amount of net income flows to the balance sheet. ◼ In a for-profit business, there are typically deductions to net income (often dividends) that reduce the amount that flows to the balance sheet. 3 – 37 An Introduction to Financial Condition Analysis ◼ In financial condition analysis, values from the financial statements are combined to form ratios that have easily interpretable economic meaning. ◼ For example, total (profit) margin: (2011) Net income Total margin = Total revenue $7,860 = = 0.045 = 4.5%. $176,092  How is this ratio interpreted? 3 – 38 Operating Margin ◼ Measures the amount of operating profit based on core activities of a business ◼ Operating Margin = operating income divided by total operating revenues Chapter 3 – Income Statements Highlights The Income Statement is a critical element of financial status for health care organizations (and all organizations) because it reports how profitable an organization has been over a certain period of time, generally a year. It answers the question… is our organization making money… is it profitable? The Income Statement provides 3 key elements: 1) Revenue – how much revenue did we earn during the period? This includes both operating revenue (revenue generated from providing patient care) and nonoperating revenue (revenue from donations and investments). 2) Expenses – how much did it cost us to the patient care we earned revenue from? 3) Net Income = Revenue – Expenses Due to the use of Accrual Accounting, Revenue reported does not equal the amount of cash the organization collected during the period. But from these 3 key elements, we can estimate the amount of cash that a company has available. Cash Flow = Net Income + Noncash Expenses (depreciation). We can also calculate the Total Profit Margin or Total Margin for the organization. Total Margin = Net Income/Total Revenue. This ratio tells us how much profit the organization earns off of each dollar of revenue. We also discussed the use of the Operating Margin which is similar to the Total Margin except that it considers Operating Income only and does NOT include nonoperating income such as donation or investment income. Operating Margin = Operating Income/Total Revenue. Problem 1 Consider the following BestCare HMO Income Statement Revenue: Premiums earned Coninsurance Interest and other income Total Revenues $ 845,657 $ 10,345 $ 2,860 $ 858,862 Expenses: Salaries and benefits Medical supplies and drugs Insurance Provision for bad debt Depreciation Interest Total Expenses $ 627,000 $ 23,980 $ 4,589 $ 2,000 $ 12,677 $ 385 $ 670,631 NET INCOME $ 188,231 3.2(d) What is BestCares total profit Margin? Net Income Total Revenue Profit Margin #DIV/0! 3.2(d) How can the profit margin be interpreted? Problem 1 Consider the following Green Valley Nursing Home Income Statement Revenue: Net patient service revenues $ Other income $ Total Revenues $ 3,862,000 206,146 4,068,146 Expenses: Salaries and benefits Medical supplies and drugs Insurance and other Provision for bad debt Depreciation Interest Total Expenses $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,932,000 966,781 296,357 110,000 85,000 206,780 3,596,918 Operating income Provision for income taxes $ $ 471,228 31,167 $ 440,061 NET INCOME 3.3(b) Why does Green Valley show a provision for income taxes while BestCare HMO does not? 3.2(c) What is Green Valley’s total profit margin? Net Income Total Revenue Profit Margin #DIV/0! 3.2(c) How can the profit margin be interpreted and how does that compare to Best HMO in Tab 1? Problem 1 Consider the following Green Valley Statement of Changes in Equity. Fill in the blanks. 2019 Net income $ 282,553 $ 440,061 $ 185,654 Equity (net assets), beginning of year Equity (net assets), end of year $ 2018 282,553

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40 (40%) – 44 (44%)

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35 (35%) – 39 (39%)

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One or two criteria are not addressed or are superficially addressed.


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Post is cited with two credible sources.


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0 (0%) – 34 (34%)

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15 (15%) – 16 (16%)

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13 (13%) – 14 (14%)

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Second Response 16 (16%) – 17 (17%)

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14 (14%) – 15 (15%)

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12 (12%) – 13 (13%)

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0 (0%) – 11 (11%)

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Participation 5 (5%) – 5 (5%)

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Total Points: 100