Capella University Cost Benefit Analysis Paper

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Capella University Cost Benefit Analysis Paper

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Cost-Benefit Analysis

Name Capella University Health Care Quality, Risk, and Regulatory Compliance Assessment 3 Date COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS 2 Abstract [The purpose of your abstract is to provide a brief yet thorough overview of your paper. The APA publication manual suggests that your abstract should function much like your title page— it should allow the person reading it too quickly determine what your paper is all about. Begin your abstract on a new page and place your running head and the page number 2 in the top righthand corner. You should also center the word “Abstract” at the top of the page. Keep it short. According to the APA style manual, an abstract should be between 150 to 250 words.] COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS Focus of Stakeholders for a Cost-Benefit Analysis [Specify the focus and stakeholders for a cost-benefit analysis] 3 COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS 4 Value Proposition for Change Management [Develop a value-based proposition for change management that incorporates quality and risk-management concepts.] Strategies to Influence and Impact the Changes for Quality Improvement [Describe strategies to influence and impact the needed changes for quality improvement.] Cost-Benefit Analysis [Conduct a cost-benefit analysis for a risk-management intervention. Use the Tool provided, then discuss your findings here. Be sure to also upload the Excel Tool.] Internal and External Benchmarks [Identify relevant internal and external benchmarks, using a systems-based perspective.] Conclusion COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS 5 References Assessment 3- Cost- Best Analysis Create a 5–6-page cost benefit analysis that supports a risk financing recommendation for a selected organization. Note: The assessments in this course build upon each other, so you are strongly encouraged to complete them in a sequence. In your current and future role as a health care leader, you can expect to conduct a cost-benefit analysis (CBA) to determine whether the positive benefits of a proposed recommendation outweigh the negative costs. By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria: • o o o • o • o • o Competency 1: Conduct an environmental assessment to identify quality- and riskmanagement priorities for a health care organization. Specify the focus and stakeholders for a cost-benefit analysis. Develop a value proposition for change management that incorporates quality- and risk-management concepts. Describe strategies to influence and impact the needed changes for quality improvement. Competency 2: Apply a risk-management model or framework to a specific riskmanagement priority. Conduct a cost-benefit analysis for a risk-management intervention. Competency 3: Analyze the process and outcomes of a care quality- or riskmanagement issue. Identify relevant internal and external benchmarks, using a systems-based perspective. Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for professionals in health care administration. Use correct grammar, punctuation, and mechanics as expected of a graduate learner. Context In your current and future role as a health care leader, you can expect to conduct a CBA. You may be asked to offer three alternatives and to make a recommendation. Plowman relates that “a cost benefit analysis is used to evaluate the total anticipated cost of a project compared to the total expected benefits in order to determine whether the proposed implementation is worthwhile for a company or project team.” Plowman also identified the three parts of a CBA to be the following: • • • Identification of potential costs. Recording of all anticipated benefits. Examination of the differences to determine if positive benefits outweigh negative costs. A pre-formatted Excel spreadsheet that can be used as a template for CBAs is a good tool to have in your personal toolbox. Inputting data is simply the first step. As you fill out templates, always consider the numbers within the context of an organizational mission, strategic direction, patient safety, risk-management issues, regulatory requirements, patient and stakeholder satisfaction, and also the dynamics within the health care industry. Reference Plowman, N. (2014). Writing a cost-benefit analysis. Retrieved from Questions to Consider As you prepare to complete this assessment, you may want to think about other related issues to deepen your understanding or broaden your viewpoint. You are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community. Note that these questions are for your own development and exploration and do not need to be completed or submitted as a part of your assessment. • • • • What steps do you need to take in order to align a CBA with an organization’s mission and strategy? If you were to offer three alternative recommendations after a CBA, what types of elements would you consider to differentiate them from one another? How would you substantiate a recommendation for reducing financial risks in a health care setting when the quality of care is involved? What are the three parts of a CBA? Required Resources The following resources are required to complete this assessment. • Cost-Benefit Analysis Template [XLSX]. Resources Suggested Resources • The resources provided here are optional and support the assessment. They provide helpful information about the topics. You may use other resources of your choice to prepare for this assessment; however, you will need to ensure that they are appropriate, credible, and valid. The MHA-FP5014 – Health Care Quality, Risk, and Regulatory Compliance Library Guide can help direct your research. The Supplemental Resources and Research Resources, both linked from the left navigation menu in your courseroom, provide additional resources to help support you. Plowman, N. (2014). Writing a cost-benefit analysis. Retrieved from This article discusses how to value risk reductions in the context of benefit-cost analysis. • Robinson, L. A., & Hammitt, J. K. (2013). Skills of the trade: Valuing health risk reductions in benefit-cost analysis. Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, 4(1), 107–130. This article discusses a cost analysis approach in medical education. • Walsh, K., Levin, H., Jaye, P., & Gazzard, J. (2013). Cost analyses approaches in medical education: There are no simple solutions. Medical Education, 47(10), 962– 968. This article describes the cost-benefit methodology in terms of criminal justice policy. • Manski, C. F. (2015). Narrow or broad cost–benefit analysis [PDF]? Criminology & Public Policy, 14(4), 647–651. Additional Resources for Further Exploration You may use the following optional resources to further explore topics related to competencies. Risk-Management Textbooks • • Kavaler, F., & Alexander, R. S. (2014). Risk management in health care institutions: Limiting liability and enhancing care (3rd ed). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett. Available from the bookstore. Youngberg, B. J. (2011). Principles of risk management and patient safety. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett. Available from the bookstore. Risk-Management Professional Organizations • • The Risk Management Association. (n.d.). Retrieved from American Hospital Association. (n.d.). American Society for Health Care Risk Management. Retrieved from Assessment Instructions Note: This assessment should be completed third. Preparation Scenario Suppose an issue has emerged in your organization that presents significant risks to the stakeholders involved. Your supervisor has asked you to conduct a CBA, make a recommendation, and present it to the board of directors. You are expected to consider the numbers within the context of the organizational mission, strategic direction, patient safety, risk-management issues, regulatory requirements, patient and stakeholder satisfaction, and the dynamics within the health care industry. Select a relevant issue within your workplace (or one from the Suggested Resources) for which a CBA may be conducted. The CBA should include one of the following course-related topics: • • • • • • Quality. Patient safety. Risk management. Regulatory standards. Compliance. Patient and stakeholder satisfaction. Instructions Step One: Identify Costs Apply the process from Writing a Cost-Benefit Analysis article (from the Required Resources) to identify costs: 1. Make a list of all monetary costs that will be incurred upon implementation and throughout the life of the project. These include start-up fees, licenses, production materials, payroll expenses, user acceptance processes, training, and travel expenses, among others. 2. Make a list of all non-monetary costs that are likely to be absorbed. These include time, low production of other tasks, imperfect processes, potential risks, market saturation or penetration uncertainties, and influences on one’s reputation. 3. Assign monetary values to the costs identified in steps one and two. To ensure equality across time, monetary values are stated in present value terms. If realistic cost values cannot be readily evaluated, consult with market trends and industry surveys for comparable implementation costs in similar businesses. 4. Add all anticipated costs together to get a total costs value (Plowman, 2014). Step Two: Identify Benefits Continuing with the CBA, proceed with the identification and quantification of benefits, per Writing a Cost-Benefit Analysis article. 1. Make a list of all monetary benefits that will be experienced upon implementation and thereafter. These benefits include direct profits from products or services, increased contributions from investors, decreased production costs due to improved and standardized processes, and increased production capabilities, among others. 2. Make a list of all non-monetary benefits that one is likely to experience. These include decreased production times, increased reliability and durability, greater customer base, greater market saturation, greater customer satisfaction, and improved company or project reputation, among others. 3. Assign monetary values to the benefits identified in steps one and two. Be sure to state these monetary values in present value terms as well. 4. Add all anticipated benefits together to get a total benefits value (Plowman, 2014). Cost-Benefit Analysis Enter the cost and benefit data you developed for the CBA in your preparation steps into the Cost-Benefit Analysis Template, linked in the Required Resources. Then, write an analysis in which you do the following: • Describe the organizational, program, or departmental issue for which you have created the CBA. • • • • • Evaluate the cost versus benefit according to the general guidelines outlined by Plowman’s 2014 article, which you read in the preparation for this assessment. Make a recommendation as to whether the benefits are sufficient to outweigh the costs of the proceeding. Describe the systems-based context for your recommendations, integrating the CBA within the organization as a whole. Describe how the issue relates to the organization’s vision, mission, and strategic direction. Provide a rationale that explains how your recommendations are appropriate for your organization’s capacity and strategy. Your analysis should use proper APA style and formatting and include the following sections. Each section, except the title page, should include the appropriate section heading. 1. Title page: Use APA formatting and include the following: o Assessment number (Assessment 3). o Your name. o The date. o The course number (MHA-FP5014). o Your instructor’s name. 2. Abstract: Include a one-paragraph summary of analysis content. This is not an introduction to the topic, but a summary of the entire analysis. Make sure to doublespace. 3. Issue description. 4. CBA evaluation. 5. CBA recommendations. 6. Context for recommendations. 7. Relationship to vision, mission, and strategy. 8. Rationale. 9. Conclusion. 10. References. 11. Appendix: Attach your completed Cost-Benefit Analysis Template. Additional Requirements • • • • Written communication: Written communication should be free from errors that detract from the overall message. Length of paper: 5–6 typed, double-spaced pages. Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point. Appendix: Include your Cost-Benefit Analysis Template as an appendix to your analysis. Reference Plowman, N. (2014). Writing a cost-benefit analysis. Retrieved from COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS TEMPLATE Step 1: Enter cost amounts as future value (FV) expectations. The future value will be automatically converted to present value Enter benefit amounts as FV expectations. The FV will automatically be converted to PV. Step 3: Subtract the total PV benefits PV costs to get the net benefit. Current Year (CY) Costs CY +1 CY +2 CY +3 CY +4 Total Costs (Future Value) Total Costs (Present Value) blank row Benefits Total Benefits (Future Value) Total Benefits (Present Value) blank row Present Value Discout Rate PV Denominator Net Benefit End of worksheet $ $ – $ $ Current Year (CY) $ $ – – $ $ CY +1 $ $ – – $ $ CY +2 $ $ – – $ $ CY +3 $ $ – – CY +4 $ $ – 2% 1.00 1.02 1.04 1.06 1.08 atically converted to present value (PV). Step 2: p 3: Subtract the total PV benefits from the total Total Costs CY +5 $ $ – $ CY +5 $ $ – – Total Benefits $ – $ – 1.10 Running head: REGULATORY ENVIRONMENT 1 Regulatory Environment – Executive Summary Hagar Duku Osei Capella University MHA-FP5014- Health Care Quality Risk Regulatory Compliance Assessment 1 January, 2020 REGULATORY ENVIRONMENT 2 Proactive Assessment Assessing an organization’s risks includes an objective assessment of a firm’s operations in order to determine its potential liabilities and hazards (Heidelberger, n.d). Risk management and quality care are the basics of healthcare that ensures organization’s sustainability and its financial permanency. With the estimation of rapid growth in healthcare between 2020 and 2030, there is a greater chance of growth in risks to healthcare industry (Collins, 2019). For this reason, it is imperative for Grace Healthcare Systems (GHS) to recognize and identify possible issues that may be facing the company to comprise its operations and quality of care. At GHS, an assessment analysis conducted indicated that, the company has the potential of common risks that involves workplace violence, employee’s compensation injuries, technical failures, and financial risks. Also, patients’ complaints, breaches of data, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) violations, and medical incidents are some risks faced by the facility (Colins, 2019). These risk management issues can affect GHS in diverse facets. However, GHS finances and quality of care can be the areas that may be affected most. Managing these issues at GHS is vital to the company because, first of all, victims of work place violence mostly results in posttraumatic stress disorder, anger, depression, frustration, sadness, and many emotional disorders, which eventually affects the individuals work performances (Lanctot, Guay, 2014). In the long run, productivity will be affected thus causing financial losses to the organization. Also, claims from employee’s compensation has the potential of increasing the organization’s insurance premiums which will lead to higher financial burdens. Moreover, breach in data poses risk to the organization’s finances as well its reputation. According to a research conducted in 2013, healthcare industry suffered almost seven billion dollars on breach of data in 2012 (Collins, 2014). Despite the higher financial impact on the organization, it may lead to tarnishing its image, thus reducing public patronization and minimizing income, while questioning its quality capabilities. For the organization to manage its risk issues it must be conformed and in compliance with the regulatory requirements. REGULATORY ENVIRONMENT 3 The increase use of mobile devices in the field of healthcare in recent days has raised more concerns about communication and information storage. In 2013, HIPAA considered all traditional mobile ways of communicating and storing information as unsecured anymore. For an example, using SMS or emails as a means of communication and storage of data. Therefore, HIPAA requires all healthcare organization to be in compliance to its security rule, that specifically demands “physical, technical, and administrative safeguards” that avoids compromising healthcare data while in storage or in transit. The physical safeguards demand that, facilities must diligently ensure practices that protect the physical surroundings of devices that contains healthcare data. For instance, protection of the building from fire, environmental hazards, and any other intrusion, that is, physical or online hacking. Also, the technical safeguards involve the proper management of people that have access to the information of healthcare, and the mode of transmission. This lays out secure and authentic conditions of which HIPAA require healthcare information to be communicated. For instance, HIPAA compliance, require healthcare organizations to implement secured mechanisms that identifies and authenticates all users of health information or data. Lastly, the administrative safeguards deal with ensuring of solutions that conforms to HIPAA Security Rule. This involves all activities that monitors the solution, conducting risk assessments that ensures that the facility complies to HIPAA requirements and that data is not compromised or at risk. Strategies to Influence, Impact & Monitor Changes Healthcare delivery systems should always focus on improving patients’ experiences although it is associated with various challenges. Moreover, they should reflect the requirement to align the changes in practices and behavior across numerous areas and levels of the organization (Kavaler & Alexander, 2014). Healthcare organizations should utilize the established approaches and principles to quality improvements. The principles and approaches provided by the regulatory systems are familiar to healthcare providers engaged in hospital quality improvement. For quality improvement to occur in healthcare systems; REGULATORY ENVIRONMENT 4 1. Healthcare practitioners should think of the industry as an integration of related “microsystems” or systems. As a result, they should mainly focus the minor functional units that perform main functions involving interaction with customers. 2. Understand and implement the improvement cycle by planning, doing, studying, and acting. In this case, healthcare practitioners should acknowledge that systems and microsystems are instigated by interacting and interdependent elements that are non-linear and unpredictable in their functions. Thus, small changes have significant impacts on the system. 3. Develop action plan and goals by establishing the main objective, which is quality improvement in the provision of healthcare. Value Proposition for Change Management Quality improvement in healthcare organizations is mainly determined by how the organizations manage their revenue cycle processes (Berwick, 2011). Healthcare organizations are changing from using free-forservice model to a care model based on value. The main reasons for the shift include the following. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (2019), the value-based systems observe clinical results when effecting the reimbursements. As such, both quality and cost inform the decision to make differential payments. All the payments observe specific performance criteria. From this angle, the cost of treatment is shouldered by both the payer and the provider of the service. One of the leading milestones that the change came with is The Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH). According to Rosenthal (2008), the healthcare sectors should: i. Implement an automation that minimizes expenses while increasing revenue ii. Involve experts who can help the healthcare organizations in managing everything on the revenue cycle’s back end while offering transparency into the entire medical practitioners. iii. Identify RCM “Revenue Cycle Management” partner to connect the organization’s practice management and EMR REGULATORY ENVIRONMENT 5 iv. Focus more on patient care that hospital data exchange between ambulatory and acute environment. v. Identify an RCM partner who can help in eliminating the disparate systems. vi. Identify RCM partner that will help in keeping the processes of the organizations’ revenue cycle in place. vii. Ensure that predictability is at the forefront of the organization’s decision viii. Minimize the red tape such as buying new billing software, which does not enable the organization to improve its revenue cycle performance. ix. Ensure that the organization’s RCM technology is well updated x. Focus on ensuring that patients’ expectations are met when making clinical decisions. Organization’s Compliance with Regulatory Requirements The compliance professionals in healthcare are usually required to help clinical organizations and facilities to addresses government regulations that implement usage and privacy standards for patient information, safeguard healthcare employees, prevent fraud, and enhance the provision of quality care to patients (Brandrud et al., 2017). The United States department of HHS “Health and Human Services” combats fraud thus ensuring quality care by insisting healthcare organizations to comply with the HHS programs and federal healthcare. The HIPPA “Healthcare Information Portability and Accountability ACT” established in 2003 identified why healthcare organizations should comply (United States Department of Health & Human Services, n.d). The HIPAA indicates that healthcare institutions should ensure that patients’ health data is confidentially handled and well protected. Healthcare providers are primarily required to implement and ethics and compliance program that provide an excellent practice guidance. Legal & Ethical Principles & Mission, Vision, Values Hospital management depends on values, goals, hierarchy of actions, and choices that help in decision making. Hospital organization values, mission, and vision are mainly based on social responsibility, ethics, REGULATORY ENVIRONMENT 6 quality, management, and assistance (Youngberg, 2011). The values are usually integrated into the nation’s health service irrespective of the organization’s legal status. However, public-private healthcare organizations add more value to patients, shareholders, and employees than public healthcare organizations. Healthcare managers acknowledge that human values and ethics form the basis of healthcare functioning. The vision, values, and mission have the accreditation criteria, indicating that healthcare organizations have an international reach. REGULATORY ENVIRONMENT 7 Refences Behrman S. R., Woodcock, J., Norden, J., Grandinetti, C., & Temple, R. J. (2011). New FDA regulation to improve safety reporting in clinical trials. The New England Journal of Medicine, 365(1), 3–5. Berwick, D. (2011). Improving care for people with Medicare [Blog post]. Retrieved From:… Brandrud, A. S., Nyen, B., Hjortdahl, P., Sandvik, L., Haldorsen, G. S. H., Bergli, M., Bretthauer, M. (2017). Domains associated with successful quality improvement in healthcare – a nationwide case study. BMC Health Services Research, 17. Colins, A. (2018). Potential Risk & Quality Management Issues & How They May Affect the Healthcare Industry. Retrieved From: Heidelberger, M. (n.d). A Description of Risk Assessment Management. Retrieved From: Healthcare Compliance Association. (n.d.). Association. Retrieved From: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (n.d). HIPAA Compliance and Healthcare Information: Storing and Communicating Healthcare Information in Compliance with HIPAA. Retrieved From: Kavaler, F., & Alexander, R. S. (2014). Risk management in health care institutions: Limiting liability and enhancing care (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett. Lanctot, N., & Guay, S. (2014). The aftermath of workplace violence among healthcare workers: A systematic literature review of the consequences. Aggression and Violent Behavior 19(5) 492-501 National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. (2019). Changing landscape: From fee-forservice to value-based reimbursement. Rosenthal, T. C. (2008). The medical home: growing evidence to support a new approach to primary care. The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 21(5), 427-440. United States Department of Health & Human Services. (n.d.). Laws & regulations. Retrieved from United States Department of Labor, (n.d). Occupational Safety & Health Administration: OSHA Archive. Retrieved From: Youngberg, B. J. (2011). Principles of risk management and patient safety. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett. REGULATORY ENVIRONMENT 8 Appendix A Action Step Relevant Data Resource Information 1. Issue. Workplace violence, Colins, A. (2018). Potential Risk & employee’s compensation Quality Management Issues. injuries, technical failures, and financial risks. Patients’ complaints, breaches of data, high rate of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) violations. 2. Regulatory Requirements. -HIPPA, requires that organizations reduce the risks level at a minimum possibility. Behrman et al., (2011) -OSHA does not have specified standards governing work place violence, however, the Act of 1970, requires that, the degree of an employer’s obligation to addressing work place violence is governed by the General Duty Clause. United States Department of Health & Human Services n.d. Healthcare Compliance Association, n.d United States Department of Labor: Occupational Safety & Health Administration. 3. Risk Management Implications. When improving patient Youngberg (2011). experiences, healthcare organizations encounter various risks. Managing the risks effectively enable healthcare organizations to improve their quality. 4. Environmental Assessment. The focus of healthcare Berwick (2011) organizations on Behrman et al., (2011) improving patients’ experiences. They reflect the requirement to align the changes in practices and behavior across numerous areas and levels of the organization. Healthcare organizations utilize the established REGULATORY ENVIRONMENT 9 approaches and principles to quality improvements. 5. Resources to Address It is important for Youngberg (2011) Issue. healthcare organizations to manage their revenue cycle processes effectively to enhance value proposition and facilitate the provision of quality services. 6. Philosophy or Culture The cultural statement of Statement. healthcare organizations is improving the provision of quality care. Healthcare organizations acknowledge that human values and ethics form the basis of healthcare functioning. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, (n.d) Healthcare Compliance Association. (n.d.) 7. Measurement and Monitoring. Healthcare organizations Berwick (2011) reflect the requirement to align the changes in practices and behavior across numerous areas and levels of the organization. Healthcare organizations utilize the established approaches and principles to quality improvements. 8. Organizational Improvement. Quality improvement in healthcare organizations is mainly determined by how the organizations manage their revenue cycle processes. Healthcare Compliance Association. (n.d.) Berwick, (2011) Youngberg, (2011) 9. Ethics Considerations. Ethics in healthcare ACHE Code of Ethics organizations are based on Youngberg, (2011) social responsibility, ethics, quality, management, and assistance. 1/29/2020 Capella University Scoring Guide Tool MHA-FP5014 u01a1 – Regulatory Environment – Executive Summary Learner: Hagar , Duku Osei OVERALL COMMENTS Much clearer submission and well written; however, while correct grammar, punctuation, and mechanics are correct, some new APA error appeared in this submission. For example, the header on the cover page should be I the same font as the rest of the text; the page number should be flush right margin in all pages; the entire paper should have 1” left, right, top, bottom margins; the references are not in correct APA format and should also be at 1” margins. RUBRICS 1/8 1/29/2020 Capella University Scoring Guide Tool CRITERIA 1 Conduct a proactive assessment based on the existing regulations and requirements. COMPETENCY Conduct an environmental assessment to identify quality- and risk-management priorities for a health care organization. NON_PERFORMANCE: Does not conduct a proactive assessment based on the existing regulations and requirements. BASIC: Conducts a proactive assessment based on the existing regulations and requirements, but the assessment is either incomplete or flawed. PROFICIENT: Conducts a proactive assessment based on the existing regulations and requirements. DISTINGUISHED: Conducts a proactive assessment based on the existing regulations and requirements and indicates how regulations and requirements are likely to change, going forward. Comments: Attempt 2 Comments: The new information provided greater clarity Attempt 1 Comments: While you provided excellent information, the assignment called for “a description of an organization’s compliance” …meaning a specific organization. This very well- crafted discussion seems too broad, based on the “scenario in the Instructions (see Preparation). For example, “Write a brief description of the risk management issue you selected”. This assessment focuses on one organization (what organization are you discussing?) and one risk management issue” (what specific risk management issue are you working on?) 2/8 1/29/2020 Capella University Scoring Guide Tool CRITERIA 2 Describe strategies to influence, impact, and monitor the needed changes for quality improvement. COMPETENCY Conduct an environmental assessment to identify quality- and risk-management priorities for a health care organization. NON_PERFORMANCE: Does not describe strategies to influence, impact, and monitor the needed changes for quality improvement. BASIC: Describes strategies to influence, impact, and monitor the needed changes for quality improvement, but the description is either incomplete or flawed. PROFICIENT: Describes strategies to influence, impact, and monitor the needed changes for quality improvement. DISTINGUISHED: Describes strategies to influence, impact, and monitor the needed changes for quality improvement, and outlines challenges to implement those strategies. Comments: Attempt 2 Comments: You did a good job describing strategies to influence, impact, and monitor the needed changes for quality improvement, and outlines challenges to implement those strategies. Attempt 1 Comments: This discussion might work depending on the “risk management issue” selected 3/8 1/29/2020 Capella University Scoring Guide Tool CRITERIA 3 Develop a value proposition for change management that incorporates quality- and riskmanagement concepts. COMPETENCY Conduct an environmental assessment to identify quality- and risk-management priorities for a health care organization. NON_PERFORMANCE: Does not develop a value proposition for change management that incorporates quality- and riskmanagement concepts. BASIC: Develops a value proposition for change management that incorporates quality- and risk-management concepts, but the proposition is either incomplete or flawed. PROFICIENT: Develops a value proposition for change management that incorporates quality- and risk- management concepts. DISTINGUISHED: Develops a value proposition for change management that incorporates quality and risk management concepts, and supports the proposition with citations from the literature. Comments: Attempt 2 Comments: Your proposition for change management that incorporates quality and risk management concepts, and supports the proposition with citations from the literature was well discussed. Attempt 1 Comments: This discussion might work depending on the “risk management issue” selected 4/8 1/29/2020 Capella University Scoring Guide Tool CRITERIA 4 Create an executive summary of a risk-management issue that describes an organization’s compliance with a regulatory requirement. COMPETENCY Conduct an environmental assessment to identify quality- and risk-management priorities for a health care organization. NON_PERFORMANCE: Does not create an executive summary of a risk management issue that describes an organization’s compliance with a regulatory requirement. BASIC: Creates an executive summary of a risk management issue that describes an organization’s compliance with a regulatory requirement, but the summary is either unclear or incomplete. PROFICIENT: Creates an executive summary of a risk management issue that describes an organization’s compliance with a regulatory requirement. DISTINGUISHED: Creates an executive summary of a risk management issue that describes an organization’s compliance with a regulatory requirement and the executive summary is concise, complete, and convincing. Comments: Attempt 2 Comments: The executive summary of a risk management issue that describes an organization’s compliance with a regulatory requirement and the executive summary is concise, complete, and convincing. Attempt 1 Comments: This discussion might work depending on the “risk management issue” selected 5/8 1/29/2020 Capella University Scoring Guide Tool CRITERIA 5 Integrate legal and ethical principles and also organizational mission, vision, and values into the decision-making process. COMPETENCY Analyze applicable legal and ethical institution-based values as they relate to quality assessment. NON_PERFORMANCE: Does not integrate legal and ethical principles and also organizational mission, vision, and values into the decision-making process. BASIC: Integrates legal and ethical principles and also organizational mission, vision, and values into the decisionmaking process, but the integration is either incomplete or flawed. PROFICIENT: Integrates legal and ethical principles and also organizational mission, vision, and values into the decisionmaking process. DISTINGUISHED: Integrates legal and ethical principles and organizational mission, vision, and values into the decisionmaking process and describes the internal and external contexts for decision-making. Comments: Attempt 2 Comments: You did well Integrating legal and ethical principles and organizational mission, vision, and values into the decision-making process and describes the internal and external contexts for decisionmaking. Attempt 1 Comments: This discussion might work depending on the “risk management issue” selected 6/8 1/29/2020 Capella University Scoring Guide Tool CRITERIA 6 Write clearly and concisely, with well-organized communication that is supported by relevant evidence. COMPETENCY Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for professionals in health care administration. NON_PERFORMANCE: Does not write clearly and concisely, with well-organized communication that is supported with relevant evidence. BASIC: Writes clearly and concisely, with well-organized communication that is supported with relevant evidence, but with some errors or lapses. PROFICIENT: Writes clearly and concisely, with well-organized communication that is supported with relevant evidence. DISTINGUISHED: Writes clearly and concisely, with well-organized communication that is supported with relevant evidence from appropriate peer-reviewed journals. Comments: Attempt 2 Comments: Your writing is clear and concisely, that is supported with relevant evidence from appropriate peer-reviewed journals. Attempt 1 Comments: While the writing you submitted is excellent, it does not completely conform with the Instructions. For example, “Write a brief description of the risk management issue you selected. Your discussion seems very global. 7/8 1/29/2020 Capella University Scoring Guide Tool CRITERIA 7 Use correct grammar, punctuation, and mechanics as expected of a graduate learner. COMPETENCY Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for professionals in health care administration. NON_PERFORMANCE: Does not use correct grammar, punctuation, and mechanics as expected of a graduate learner. BASIC: Uses correct grammar, punctuation, and mechanics as expected of a graduate learner, but with some errors or lapses. PROFICIENT: Uses correct grammar, punctuation, and mechanics as expected of a graduate learner. DISTINGUISHED: Uses correct grammar, punctuation, and mechanics as expected of a graduate learner, conforming to all APA standards and guidelines. Comments: Attempt 2 Comments: While correct grammar, punctuation, and mechanics are correct, some new APA error appeared in this submission. For example, the header on the cover page should be I the same font as the rest of the text; the page number should be flush right margin in all pages; the entire paper should have 1” left, right, top, bottom margins; the references are not in correct APA format and should also be at 1” margins Attempt 1 Comments: Great discussion, but seems too global based on the Instruction (See Preparation). Excellent organization and format. 8/8 Running head: RISK FINANCING 1 Risk Financing Hagar Duku Osei Capella University MHA-FP5014- Health Care Quality Risk Regulatory Compliance Assessment 2 January, 2020 RISK FINANCING 2 GRACE HEALTHCARE SYSTEM (GHS) TO: Risk Management Team From: Hagar Duku Osei Cc: All Departmental Leaders Date: January 29, 2020 Re: Financial Risk between the Management and the Improvement of Quality Care Over the recent past, Grace Healthcare System has been facing a constant tension between the management of medical errors and the improvement of the quality of care. It is a case that attracted the attention of the management because the hospital is at the risk of failing in performance and a drop in the financial outcome. Therefore, certain factors need to be addressed relating to the financial risks that the organization stand to face and the measures through which these can be mitigated effectively in order to allow and run the operations of the hospital successfully for the improvement of the organization. The involved financial performance indicators include incidence if catastrophic expenditures in health which involves a headcount indicator that is measured as the household proportion within a population whose expenditures in health exceed a critical level (Kavaler & Alexander, 2014). The second indicator of financial risk is the catastrophic overshoot which mainly looks at the extent by which expenditures in health exceed the threshold that is defined. RISK FINANCING 3 Measurement of the above indicators covers the whole population because financial risks occur in any group of the population, but the advantage comes in because the indicators are only specialized to health organizations and so no chances of political manipulation of the involved thresholds. The strategies used in the identification of risk financing issues include the following; the first strategy is through establishing the context of the financial issue as this helps in the identifying the risk and an understanding of it in a better way. The second strategy is identifying and acknowledging the risk at hand as it helps in better analysis and understanding of the issue. The other strategy involves an analysis of the risk through understanding the underlying risk and the existing control measures that can be used to address the issue. The above strategies will at the end, enable the organization to stand tall and resolve the challenge at hand. The major challenge that encounters these strategies includes the aspect of adequate resources which are fundamental in the analysis and their implementation for a better outcome and financial success for the organization. It has also been noticed that financial risk in the management sector is imminent and is growing to be a great challenge. The recommendations for this challenge include stressing and strengthening of management and accountability among the financial managers because inputs impact the outputs of the organization. Management and governance are important especially in areas of decision making and monitoring of financial cash flow and expenditures in the organization at all time. The other recommendation would be for Grace Healthcare System to adopt a multidisciplinary strategy that is needed in the achievement of broader management of risk in order to avoid unexpected consequences (Graber et al., 2016). It is a recommendation that RISK FINANCING 4 goes to the whole management outlay of the organization because this concept relates to the general organization and operation of the models involved in financing. The ethical financial risk obligations for an accountable care organization involve issue such as the management facing the challenge of fair resource allocation, this is an internal obligation by the management to allocate resources fairly but in the face of financial matters, it might be an ethical challenge for the management. The other ethical challenge is clinicians and health officers’ manner in which they address competition by other health organizations; this is an external context obligation because it would require the clinicians to address such issue by a cost-control measure (Kreindler et al., 2012). Various legal measures that accountable care organizations face involve the contracts that involve the facilities and the providers which are supposed to be honored by the organizations. The government regulations that relate to the workers and their working environment also are factors that accountable care organizations face. RISK FINANCING 5 References Graber, A. D., Bhandary, A., & Rizzo, M. (2016). Ethical practice under accountable care. HEC Forum, 28(2), 115–128. Kavaler, F., & Alexander, R. S. (2014). Risk management in health care institutions: Limiting liability and enhancing care (3rd ed). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett. Kreindler, S. A., Larson, B. K., Wu, F. M., Carluzzo, K. L., Gbemudo, J. N., Struthers, A., Fisher, E. S. (2012). Interpretations of integration in early accountable care organizations. Milbank Quarterly, 90(3), 457–483. 1/30/2020 Capella University Scoring Guide Tool MHA-FP5014 u02a1 – Risk Financing Learner: Hagar , Duku Osei OVERALL COMMENTS Although well written, please consider using headings that separate discussion Criterion (as demonstrated in the Template that was provided). In future assignments this may eliminate any guess work on behalf of the reader and could reduce the number of Attempts. Please be sure to review all of the comments on the Scoring Guide. As a reminder, please highlight any additions and/or corrections RUBRICS 1/6 1/30/2020 Capella University Scoring Guide Tool CRITERIA 1 Identify key performance indicators and measures associated with a specific riskmanagement issue. COMPETENCY Apply a risk-management model or framework to a specific risk-management priority. NON_PERFORMANCE: Does not identify key performance indicators and measures associated with a specific risk management issue. BASIC: Identifies key performance indicators and measures associated with a specific risk management issue, but the key indicators or measures are either incomplete or flawed. PROFICIENT: Identifies key performance indicators and measures associated with a specific risk management issue. DISTINGUISHED: Identifies key performance indicators and measures associated with a specific risk management issue and cites appropriate current literature to support the identification. Comments: You did a great job Identifying key performance indicators and measures associated with your specific risk management issue and you cited appropriate current literature to support the identification. 2/6 1/30/2020 Capella University Scoring Guide Tool CRITERIA 2 Discuss strategies used to identify risk financing issues in a selected organization. COMPETENCY Apply a risk-management model or framework to a specific risk-management priority. NON_PERFORMANCE: Does not discuss strategies used to identify risk financing issues in a selected organization. BASIC: Discusses strategies used to identify risk financing issues in a selected organization, but the discussion is either incomplete or flawed. PROFICIENT: Discusses strategies used to identify risk financing issues in a selected organization. DISTINGUISHED: Discusses strategies used to identify risk financing issues in a selected organization and outlines challenges to implementing those strategies. Comments: Your strategies used to identify risk financing issues in your selected organization and outline of challenges to implementing those strategies was well discussed. 3/6 1/30/2020 Capella University Scoring Guide Tool CRITERIA 3 Provide recommendations for risk financing options related to an identified financial risk issue. COMPETENCY Apply a risk-management model or framework to a specific risk-management priority. NON_PERFORMANCE: Does not provide recommendations for risk financing options related to an identified financial risk issue. BASIC: Provides recommendations for risk financing options related to an identified financial risk issue, but the recommendations are either incomplete or flawed. PROFICIENT: Provides recommendations for risk financing options related to an identified financial risk issue. DISTINGUISHED: Provides recommendations for risk financing options related to an identified financial risk issue and supports the recommendations with citations from the literature. Comments: The recommendations your provided for risk financing options related to the identified financial risk issue were well written and relevant. The citation provided support your recommendations. 4/6 1/30/2020 Capella University Scoring Guide Tool CRITERIA 4 Summarize the legal and ethical financial risk obligations of an accountable care organization. COMPETENCY Analyze applicable legal and ethical institution-based values as they relate to quality assessment. NON_PERFORMANCE: Does not summarize the legal and ethical financial risk obligations of an accountable care organization. BASIC: Summarizes the legal and ethical financial risk obligations of an accountable care organization, but the summary is either incomplete or flawed. PROFICIENT: Summarizes the legal and ethical financial risk obligations of an accountable care organization. DISTINGUISHED: Summarizes the legal and ethical financial risk obligations of an accountable care organization and describes the internal and external contexts for those obligations. Comments: Your summary of the legal and ethical financial risk obligations of an accountable care organization and description of the internal and external contexts for those obligations was described very well 5/6 1/30/2020 Capella University Scoring Guide Tool CRITERIA 5 Prepare a professional memo summarizing a risk financing issue for a specified organization. COMPETENCY Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for professionals in health care administration. NON_PERFORMANCE: Does not prepare a professional memo summarizing a risk financing issue for a specified organization. BASIC: Prepares a memo summarizing a risk financing issue for a specified organization, but with some errors or lapses. PROFICIENT: Prepares a professional memo summarizing a risk financing issue for a specified organization. DISTINGUISHED: Prepares a professional memo summarizing a risk financing issue for a specified organization that is concise, complete, and convincing. Comments: You prepared a professional memo summarizing a risk financing issue for a specified organization that is concise, complete, and convincing; however, when citing 3-5 authors (Graber) ALL authors must be cited the first time, then you can use et al 6/6 1 Running Header: COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS Health Care Cost Benefit Analysis Hagar Duku Osei Capella University MHA-FP5006 Health Care Finance and Reimbursement Assessment 3- Cost Benefit Analysis January, 2020 2 Running Header: COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS Analysis of Cost and Benefits of Purchasing Equipment for A Health Care Organization. When benefits are not summarized, decision-makers who are overwhelmed with information may focus on one or two and lose sight of the rest. Cost and Benefit Analysis (CBA) allows the aggregation of health and non-health benefits because its values benefit as well as costs in money terms (Russell, 2015). At the heart of a cost benefit analysis is the accurate determination of cost and quantification of benefit. Measuring these parameters can be complex. The necessary inputs for the costing were obtained by direct inspection, interview with staff and examination of documents from vendors. Cost of inputs for the MRI center were divided into cost of MRI Machine, staff salary, electricity cost, contrast, maintenance cost of the machine, staff hiring, building structure and outsourcing. The benefits of purchasing an MRI Machine are both monetary and nonmonetary. They include, patients seen on site (co-payment), quicker results turnaround, increased clinical productivity, improved customer satisfaction, increased patient access to care, removal of outsourced contract and insurance reimbursement. All these items were included in the analysis. The Cost-Benefit Analysis method was then used to determine the economic viability of purchasing an MRI Machine. This was done by inputting all costs and benefits for each year as future value (FV) expectations, converting them into present value (PV) expectations and subtracting the total PV benefits from the total PV costs to get the net benefit. The net benefit was positive and supports the purchase of an MRI Machine. Overall, the purchase of the MRI Machine will be more beneficially to the hospital as evident in the benefits listed in the analysis and for also 3 Running Header: COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS more convenient for patients since they would not have to schedule an appointment at another facility. The Concept of Opportunity Cost. The concept of scarcity leads to the idea of opportunity cost. The opportunity cost of an action is what you must give up when you make that choice. Another way to say this is: it is the value of the next best opportunity. Opportunity cost is a direct implication of scarcity. People have to choose between different alternatives when deciding how to spend their money and their time (Mankiw, 2015). Health care organizations have to make difficult decisions as to how healthcare is financed and scarce available resources are allocated to meet the health needs of their patients. To determine whether the MRI Machine offers value for money and will be cost effective, the organization must make a comparison to the opportunity cost that will be given up. The opportunity cost here is outsourcing where patients who need an MRI must schedule an appointment at another facility, adding time and cost to any treatment they may need. After the organization has made that comparison, a choice will have to be made based on the cost and benefits of purchasing an MRI Machine. Health care systems need to be designed in ways that support the generation and pooling of health care resources and the allocation of those resources to deliver health benefits to constituent populations (Revill et al, 2015). How A Cost Benefit Analysis Aligns with Organizational Needs and Future Growth. Essentially, a cost benefit analysis involves adding up the benefits of a business decision or policy and comparing the benefits with the associated costs. Organizations need to make 4 Running Header: COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS objective decisions and set realistic goals. This is not always easy to do. Different projects might entail different types of expenses and details. A cost-benefit analysis frames all projects in simple terms and enables organizations compare projects of all types no matter how dissimilar they are. CBA helps organizations estimate the net benefit of a project. An organization might know the exact cost of a new product, but it is impossible to know exactly the benefits that will be derived from that new. Estimating costs and benefits can however give an organization an idea of the lowest amount of revenue a new project needs to produce to break even and help set revenue goals to make projects profitable. In effect, organizations will be able to make objective and justifiable decisions before entering into any venture (Hamel, 2018). It covers the range of benefits and costs, whether they have market prices or not. CBA needs to incorporate direct and indirect social benefits that accrue to society whether they are tangible or intangible in nature. CBA includes techniques to value such unpriced benefits, both current and future, in present-dollar terms (Thomas et al, 2019). Recommended Plan of Action Based on A Cost-Benefit Analysis. Due to the high cost involved in purchasing an MRI Machine and setting up an MRI center, the decision to buy the machine cannot be based on stakes. An analysis must be conducted to show that the purchase will be worth it. The analysis conducted will be used to measure the benefits of purchasing the MRI Machine minus the costs associated with the purchase. Based on the analysis conducted, the MRI Machine should be purchased because, the benefits it will bring to the organization exceeds the cost of purchase and implementation of an MRI center. The action plan should be able to cover to fully cover the benefits of the purchase to both the organization and the patients. Patients satisfaction should also be key. 5 Running Header: COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS The organization should gather the needed funds for the purchase of the machine and the setting up of the MRI center as the first step in the action plan. After funds have been gathered, the organization should draw a budget of how funds will be used in other to stay on track as regards the project and not use the money for other items that may not be of priority. After purchase of the machine, the organization should take steps to hire and recruit staff such as technicians and radiologist who will work with the machine. These staff should also be given extra training in addition to the knowledge they already have on using the MRI Machine. This will enhance productivity as staff will be equipped with the skills, they need to operate the machine. Lastly, to ensure that the machine has a longer life span, the organization should establish rules, procedures and strategies to follow when working with the machine. Conclusion A lot of attention has not been paid to economic issues in the medical setting, however, by accepting the need for cost-effective medical decision making, health care practitioners are looking for newer strategic tools to control costs without affecting the quality of patient care. The cost benefit analysis indicates that, setting up an MRI center will be beneficial to the organization. Apart from the benefits listed above, the MRI Machines will generate additional income for the organization as demand for its usage increases over the years. 6 Running Header: COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS References Hamel, G. (2018). Advantages of a Cost-Benefit Analysis. Retrieved from: Mankiw, G. (2015). Principles of Microeconomics 7th edition. South-Western College Publishing. Russell, L. B. (2015.) Population Health: Behavioral and Social Science Insights: The Science of Making Better Decisions about Health. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. 21(3):21-25. Revill, P. Ochalek, J. Lomas, J. Nakamura, R. Woods, B. Rollinger, Suhrcke, A. Sculpher, M. & Claxton, K. (2015). Cost-effectiveness thresholds: Guiding health care spending for population health improvement. Centre for Health Economics, University of York, for the International Decision Support Initiative. Thomas, V., & Chindarkar, N. (2019). The Picture from Cost-Benefit Analysis. In: Economic Evaluation of Sustainable Development. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore. COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS (CBA) Step 1: Enter cost amounts as future value (FV) expectations. The future value will be automatically converted to present value (PV). Step 2: Enter benefit amounts as FV expectations. The FV will automatically be converted to PV. Step 3: Subtract the total PV benefits from the total PV costs to get the net benefit. Current Year (CY) Costs CY +1 CY +2 CY +3 CY +4 MRI Machine 1.000.000 Staff Salary 235.000 Electricity Contrast (gadolinium) Maintenance cost of MRI Outsourcing 235.342 $ $ 4.000,00 266.000 $ 4.000,00 370.000 $ 4.000,00 $26.000,00 $26.000,00 $26.000,00 26.000,00 130.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 345.000,00 ( Staff Hiring Building Structure 257.005 257.148 289.054 345.267 1.200.000 $80.000,00 $80.000,00 $80.000,00 Total Costs (Future Value) $ 345.000,00 2848005 702490 765.054 925.267 Total Costs (Present Value) $ 345.000,00 2792161,765 675211,4571 720927,4713 854803,6858 blank row Benefits Current Year (CY) Patients Seen On Site CY +1 $ CY +2 84.000,00 $ CY +3 98.000,00 $ CY +4 102.000,00 $ 116.000,00 Quicker Results Turnaround Increased Clinic Productivity Improved Customer Satisfaction Inrcreased Patient Access to Care Removal of Outsourced Contract $ Insuarance Reimbursement 345.000,00 $1.000.435,00 $1.027.856,00 $1.029.678,00 $1.102.564,00 Total Benefits (Future Value) $ – 1429435 1125856 1131678 1218564 Total Benefits (Present Value) $ – 1401406,863 1082137,639 1066405,455 1125764,778 1,02 1,04 1,06 1,08 blank row Present Value Discount Rate PV Denominator Net Benefit End of worksheet 2% 1,00 lue (PV). Step 2: Enter benefit amounts as FV o get the net benefit. CY +5 Total Costs $ – $ – $ 5.388.104,38 CY +5 Total Benefits $ – $ – $ 4.675.714,73 1,10 $ (712.389,64) 2/6/2020 Capella University Scoring Guide Tool MHA-FP5014 u03a1 – Cost-Benefit Analysis Learner: Hagar , Duku Osei OVERALL COMMENTS Attempt 1 Comments: While you provided a volume of information, I’m not sure which Criterion some of the discussion was supposed to cover; while other Criteria seemed to not be discussed at all or vaguely covered. Again, I would encourage you to use the APA Templates that have been provided, to help stay track and be sure that ALL required Criterion are discussed and easily recognized. Also, it is important to carefully review the comments from the previously graded submissions and make appropriate corrections, as I seem to see the same errors continue on to the next Assessment. Using the Templates as provided and making appropriate corrections could eliminate the need for multiple submissions for each Assessment. These will be more critically graded in the future as “Non-Performance. Please be sure to review all of the comments on the Scoring Guide. As a reminder, please highlight any additions and/or corrections. RUBRICS 1/7 2/6/2020 Capella University Scoring Guide Tool CRITERIA 1 Specify the focus and stakeholders for a cost-benefit analysis. COMPETENCY Conduct an environmental assessment to identify quality- and risk-management priorities for a health care organization. NON_PERFORMANCE: Does not specify the focus and stakeholders for a cost-benefit analysis. BASIC: Specifies the focus and stakeholders for a cost-benefit analysis, but the focus is too broad or narrow and some stakeholders are omitted. PROFICIENT: Specifies the focus and stakeholders for a cost-benefit analysis. DISTINGUISHED: Specifies the focus and stakeholders for a cost-benefit analysis and explains why the stakeholders would be interested in the outcome of the analysis. Comments: While you briefly discussed stakeholders on page 6, you are to be more specific as to who those Stakeholder are. 2/7 2/6/2020 Capella University Scoring Guide Tool CRITERIA 2 Develop a value proposition for change management that incorporates quality- and riskmanagement concepts. COMPETENCY Conduct an environmental assessment to identify quality- and risk-management priorities for a health care organization. NON_PERFORMANCE: Does not develop a value proposition for change management that incorporates quality- and riskmanagement concepts. BASIC: Develops a value proposition for change management that incorporates quality- and risk- management concepts, but the value proposition is either incomplete or flawed. PROFICIENT: Develops a value proposition for change management that incorporates quality- and risk- management concepts. DISTINGUISHED: Develops a value proposition for change management that incorporates quality- and risk- management concepts and cites appropriate current literature to support the proposition. Comments: You developed a good value proposition for change management that incorporates quality- and riskmanagement concepts and cited appropriate current literature to support the proposition 3/7 2/6/2020 Capella University Scoring Guide Tool CRITERIA 3 Describe strategies to influence and impact the needed changes for quality improvement. COMPETENCY Conduct an environmental assessment to identify quality- and risk-management priorities for a health care organization. NON_PERFORMANCE: Does not describe strategies to influence and impact the needed changes for quality improvement. BASIC: Describes strategies to influence and impact the needed changes for quality improvement, but the strategies are either inappropriate or ineffective. PROFICIENT: Describes strategies to influence and impact the needed changes for quality improvement. DISTINGUISHED: Describes strategies to influence and impact the needed changes for quality improvement and cites relevant sources in the literature to justify the strategies. Comments: Good job discussing strategies to influence and impact the needed changes for quality improvement and cites relevant sources in the literature to justify the strategies. 4/7 2/6/2020 Capella University Scoring Guide Tool CRITERIA 4 Conduct a cost-benefit analysis for a risk-management intervention. COMPETENCY Apply a risk-management model or framework to a specific risk-management priority. NON_PERFORMANCE: Does not conduct a cost-benefit analysis for a risk management intervention. BASIC: Conducts a cost-benefit analysis for a risk management intervention, but the analysis is either incomplete or flawed. PROFICIENT: Conducts a cost-benefit analysis for a risk management intervention. DISTINGUISHED: Conducts a cost-benefit analysis for a risk management intervention and describes the assumptions on which the analysis is based. Comments: Although you provided a Cost-Benefit Analysis, I believe you are to use the CBA document provided under “Resources”. This document was also emailed to you. 5/7 2/6/2020 Capella University Scoring Guide Tool CRITERIA 5 Identify relevant internal and external benchmarks, using a systems-based perspective. COMPETENCY Analyze the process and outcomes for a care quality- or risk-management issue. NON_PERFORMANCE: Does not identify relevant internal and external benchmarks, using a systems-based perspective. BASIC: Identifies internal and external benchmarks, using a systems-based perspective, but the benchmarks are not relevant or of questionable value. PROFICIENT: Identifies relevant internal and external benchmarks, using a systems-based perspective. DISTINGUISHED: Identifies relevant internal and external benchmarks, using a systems-based perspective, and clearly identifies the source of each benchmark. Comments: I don’t see where “internal/External benchmarks” are discussed. 6/7 2/6/2020 Capella University Scoring Guide Tool CRITERIA 6 Use correct grammar, punctuation, and mechanics as expected of a graduate learner. COMPETENCY Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for professionals in health care administration. NON_PERFORMANCE: Does not use correct grammar, punctuation, and mechanics as expected of a graduate learner. BASIC: Uses correct grammar, punctuation, and mechanics as expected of a graduate learner, but with some errors and lapses. PROFICIENT: Uses correct grammar, punctuation, and mechanics as expected of a graduate learner. DISTINGUISHED: Uses correct grammar, punctuation, and mechanics as expected of a graduate learner, conforming to all APA standards and guidelines. Comments: Some basic APA errors included: 1) the headers and page #s should be on the same line; 2), if you provide an Abstract, it must be in correct format; 3) when citing 3-5 authors all authors must be listed the first time (Baker, Jones, & Smith, 2020); then you can use (Baker, et al, 2020). 7/7