Patient Management

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Patient Management

Patient Management
Patient Management

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Some clinical applications fit within a category that deals with clinician cognitive tasks, particularly around therapeutic and care delivery responsibilities. Ordering and care planning are examples of patient management responsibilities that are increasingly being supported by health information technology (health IT) applications. Each of these responsibilities requires an elevated cognitive load to process the amount of available patient information, as well as the number of potential decisions a clinician can make. Successful EHRs will provide appropriate capabilities within patient management applications to support clinicians’ abilities to appropriately adopt these applications and support their cognitive tasks.10 Quite often patient management applications will provide in-line access to review and reporting applications to improve the ordering and care planning process. The use of standard terminologies from a central data dictionary (discussed below) within these applications ensures that appropriate items are used by clinicians and communicated to other members of the care team. CDS systems and access to knowledge resources (discussed below) may also be employed to enhance decision making.