Group Structure and Limitations

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Group Structure and Limitations

Group Structure and Limitations
Group Structure and Limitations

Several group compositions are implied by EHP:

· Groups of clients with similar interests, needs, situations, and contexts—for example, several children with sensory processing difficulties may practice learning or play tasks together within a natural context they share, such as a classroom or recreational facility

· The client and his or her peers within a natural context—for example, a group of adolescents participating on a sports team, one of whom may be the client, or work groups that need to accommodate a worker with a disability.

· Groups of caregivers or other professional team members in addition to the client—for example, parents, teachers, and other health professionals may meet to discuss possible adaptations of learning tasks and contexts in a school setting

· People from the community (populations) who wish to maintain health and well-being when faced with occupational challenges—for example, community-living older adults who can no longer drive and need to adapt to the use of public or alternate transportation in order to continue their occupational roles, such as home maintainer, social participant, or volunteer

The time and place of group sessions vary widely with client needs and circumstances. Natural contexts are preferable so that clients may practice task performance within their own life circumstances. For example, a group of people recovering from substance addiction may meet in a public community setting so that they can appreciate all the ways that they will need to support one another in resisting the temptation to return to their old habits. The occupational therapist plans group activities, times, and meeting places in collaboration with group members whenever possible.

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