evaluation of student post 

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evaluation of student post

evaluation of student post
evaluation of student post

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Seamol post

A quality-based initiative in my workplace is using the decision-making tree for pressure injury prevention and documentation. It explains the steps for screening patients for PU and how to take action according to the score. I am a member of the wound care committee; every three months, all the wound care champions join together and discuss the issues and outcomes. Our hospital system recently initiated a separate note for skin wounds and PU injury before skin assessment; it is a part of the daily shift assessment note. Individual skin assessment notes help the providers know detailed descriptions of the wound and modify the wound care order as needed. The implementation has its barriers: nurses have to open different notes for documentation, answering all the questions is time-consuming, and sometimes missed documentation, technical issues, lack of staff knowledge are contribute to blocking the skin assessment documentation, all of which negatively affect patient quality of care outcome. I am working at the VA health care system; it is hard to start any new process or change in the VA systems. Because the VA system operates nationwide, getting approvals and support from different stakeholders is time-consuming, and staff compliance towards the new practice is very challenging. VA works hard to translate the best evidence-based research into practice, decision-making, and policy initiatives for veterans\’ healthcare change. There are barriers to implementing policies, including lack of standardized terminology and lack of supporting evidence for specific interventions across the health care organization, and it makes it challenging to initiate evidence-based translational care protocol (Wilt, Greer, & Duan-Porter, 2019). Another challenge is missing essential elements of interventions and a lack of communication between the key staff members.


Roseline  post

Falls continue to be a constant problem with approximately one million falls happening every year in healthcare settings. Approximately 23%–40% of patients that fall, amongst them four to eight percent of these injuries are classified as reasonable or severe, together with hip fractures, head injuries, and death (Francis-Coad, et al., 2020). The literature reiterates that “Given the volume of hospital falls and the associated consequences, preventing falls and fall-related injuries is a major patient safety indicator for quality improvement initiatives” (Francis-Coad, et al., 2020, para. 5).

Fall prevention is one of the most important tasks for a nurse to initiate for a patient on admission because if a nurse follows the fall prevention format everyone is at risk, therefore, after a patient is assessed, safety precautions is initiated on arrival until proven otherwise. There are exceptions: Family requests and frequent falls at home and during hospitalization, fall risk and prevention start immediately. As per facility protocol, all patients are to be monitored and placed on safety precautions. Then, when a patient starts getting out of bed unassisted, we start fall risks and reeducate on the use of the call bell for assistance. Sometimes patient persists on getting out of bed or chair unassisted, we placed chair and bed alarm and if a fall actually does occur, we add floor mats and low bed. in other situation, when the patient is alert and oriented with forgetfulness, we redirected as possible and of course, we add and rotate staff as necessary