Complex health issues case study 

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Complex health issues case study

Complex health issues case study
Complex health issues case study

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Students will review the specific case scenario materials provided for this assignment. Using this information students will identify and prioritise the patient complex health issues. Students will provide rationales for their prioritisation decisions which will be supported by current literature and related nursing and healthcare standards and health department policies.

  1. Identify a total of three patient health issues from ONE of the case scenarios that nurses can address within their scope of practice. You may include risk for or potential for health issues.
  2. Rank the three patient health issues that were selected in part 1 in order of priority. Provide a rationale for the order of the rankings. The rationale must be supported with current literature.
  3. Outline the nurse role in addressing the top three priority patient health issues in relation to patient assessment, coordination of care and delivery of care. Relate the discussion to nursing and healthcare standards and health department policies.e.g.RN Standards for Practice, NSW health policy, National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) standards etc