BEHS 380 Week 4: Communication and Choices EDWARD

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BEHS 380 Week 4: Communication and Choices EDWARD

BEHS 380 Week 4: Communication and Choices EDWARD
BEHS 380 Week 4: Communication and Choices EDWARD

Order a BEHS 380 Week 4: Communication and Choices EDWARD paper today!

This week, we have reviewed a variety of resources related to the death process and communicating about death and dying. For this discussion, choose two of the following 3 scenarios (or if you’d like, you could create a different scenario) and explain what questions or topics you would address, as well as the strategies and techniques you might use to enhance the effectiveness of your communication. Describe the thoughts and/or emotions that having "the Conversation" elicits in you.

Choose two of the following three scenarios (or create one of your own). Again, this can be real OR fictitious (imaginary):

1. Talking with a parent or grandparent about what their preferences are at the end of life.

2. Talking with a close friend or relative about your own preferences at the end of life.

3. Talking with a young relative (you can choose the age) who has questions about death.


An excellent response will be at least 3-4 paragraphs in length, using complete sentences and concise language. Please cite at least 3 of this week’s Learning Resources in your response.

Your initial post is due on Sunday evening at 11:59 p.m. ET.

In addition to your main post, please respond to at least 2 other students’ posts by Tuesday evening at 11:59 p.m. ET.

When responding to other students’ posts, make an effort to refer to something specific from the Learning Resources and/or and idea or an example that adds to the dialogue.

Refer to the syllabus for more details about discussion participation. Please be sure to use APA citations in your text and to include your reference list. When you refer to and/or discuss any resources, you need to include a citation for that source, such as: (Braincraft, 2015). For more info on APA style, visit the APA Citations and Style module in this online classroom.

POST: One primary post (New Topic) as your initial discussion post thread – min. 200 words/post Two secondary responses (Respond) to classmates – min. 100 words/post