What to do between doctor visits and treatments.

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What to do between doctor visits and treatments.

What to do between doctor visits and treatments.
What to do between doctor visits and treatments.

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The education programme, Patient Education on B-Cell Non-Hodgkin Lymphomas from Diagnosis to Treatment, consisted of one 60-minute session with 4 parts, each of which could be viewed in its entirety or separately on http://www.cancercoachlive.com/. Programme design was directed by findings from a comprehensive needs assessment that identified specific gaps in patient and car- egiver knowledge about B-cell NHL. The programme featured insights from multiple sources and patient vignettes and provided participants with a range of resources such as fact sheets and web links to support organisations. The web-based activity was initially launched live and online on 4 August 2016, and was available on-demand for one year. The sessions were filmed in a production studio with three faculty-panel members – an oncologist from the University of Nebraska Medical Centre, the Executive Director of the Leukaemia and Lymphoma Society, and a nurse practitioner from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, Massachussetts – who discussed the following topics:

1. Understanding the diagnosis. What does it mean to have B-cell NHL?

2. The work-up. What tests to expect for B-Cell NHLs;

3. Treating B-cell NHLs;

4. What to do between doctor visits and treatments. Self-care, resources.

Patient participants were able to submit questions before and during the live programme, and faculty answered a sampling of these questions throughout the 4 sessions. Live polling questions regarding social support, treatment concerns and other relevant topics were also interspersed with faculty discussions and question responses and integrated into the discussion flow. In total, 535 learners participated in the educational programme on cancercoachlive.com, and an additional 26,174 viewed the programme via social media channels (25,166 on Facebook and 1,008 on the Leukaemia & Lymphoma Society YouTube Channel).

We evaluated trends in knowledge uptake associated with programme participation using Moore et al.’s seven-level evaluation framework (Moore et al., 2015), up to outcomes level 6 (patient impact). The goal of the outcomes plan was to (1) assess the degree to which the proposed initiative facilitated positive knowledge and behaviour change, (2) assess the degree to which the proposed initiative facilitated positive health-related self-efficacy and (3) gather information to help inform and guide future education in this therapeutic area. We measured trends in knowledge uptake via pre- and post-test online surveys that were administered to all activity participants before and immediately following programme completion, as well as via an online follow-up survey distrib- uted within 8 weeks of the activity completion date.