What are the barriers to interpersonal communication?

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What are the barriers to interpersonal communication?

What are the barriers to interpersonal communication?
What are the barriers to interpersonal communication?

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Communication is typically difficult for pregnant teenagers since the majority are frequently anxious, fearful, and concerned about how the other person would see them. This can ultimately result in feelings of guilt. Since of emotions of humiliation, transgender people may also avoid open contact with their medical staff because they are reluctant to admit their true identities (Hornberger, 2017). Focusing on building relationships with patients will help healthcare providers gather the data needed for patient care. Despite possessing crucial clinical abilities to aid in building therapeutic relationships with their different client cohorts and for appreciating a patient’s particular viewpoint, there are persistent barriers to proper interpersonal communication among healthcare practitioners. Language and cultural barriers as well as a lack of established transparency and trust by the healthcare professional may prevent the pregnant teen from speaking openly. Effective communication with the transgender guy may be hampered by the healthcare professional’s unequal engagement style or by personality conflicts that may be partially attributable to the patient’s background, such as being homeless. Barriers based on gender could also be a major contributing element. Regardless of age, gender, or condition, effective communication tactics should guarantee patients’ comfort and concentrate on building a relationship (Shulman et al., 2017).

Procedures and Examination Techniques for Use during the Patient’s Physical Examination

Taking the patient’s history, including any social or cultural issues that might be related to the care, and determining a diagnosis, for example, based on test results, are both steps in the process of performing a physical examination on the pregnant adolescent. It also includes discussing the findings with the adolescent in a confidential and welcoming setting to assist in determining the next step. A urine testing kit could be used to confirm any early indicators of pregnancy, such as morning sickness and missed or light periods, which are among the particular screening processes. Additional crucial examinations for the adolescent include routine blood pressure checks, an abdominal exam from 24 weeks of pregnancy, and the taking of weight for the purpose of calculating body mass index (BMI). Another option is an ultrasound examination, which aids in estimating gestational age and spotting multiple pregnancies (Hornberger, 2017). After taking the patient’s vitals and the relevant history, the treatments and examination techniques employed for the male transgender patient include evaluating the breast tissue health for any anomalies and doing a pelvic health appraisal (Shulman et al., 2017). The evaluation specifically includes a pelvic exam that aids in determining issues with the uterus, ovaries, and cervix, performing a pap test, and a test for sexually transmitted infections.