Using SBAR, what would you communicate to the surgeon?

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Using SBAR, what would you communicate to the surgeon?

Using SBAR, what would you communicate to the surgeon?
Using SBAR, what would you communicate to the surgeon?

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Case Study Progress

On postoperative day 2, R.O. continues to improve and is tolerating ice chips. Breath sounds are clear, and she is performing her pulmonary hygiene. NGT has minimal drainage. The Foley catheter and Penrose drain have been removed, and her urine output is adequate. Her IV line is saline locked. The incision is well approximated with no drainage or redness. Her pain is 4 to 6 out of 10 with pain medication every 4 hours. Later that evening your assessment shows that R.O. is pale and listless; bowel sounds are absent; abdomen is distended and tender to the touch; the NGT is draining an increased amount of dark, green- ish black fluid. Her lung sounds are moist bilaterally, and her temperature has spiked to 40.2 ° C (104.4 °

F), O2 saturation is 97% on room air. she rates her pain at 10 out of 10 and is having difficulty taking deep breaths because of the pain, which she says “hurts over my whole stomach.”

8. What actions would you take?

9. Using SBAR, what would you communicate to the surgeon?

10. What will you consider as part of your nursing management of R.O.’s pain?