Risk Financing

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  • Reading time:2 mins read
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Risk Financing

Create a 2-3 page internal memo for a risk-management team.

Summarize a risk financing issue (fall prevention) for a selected organization in the memo. Imagine yourself in the role of a risk manager.

Identify a risk financing issue that pertains to patient safety and Fall prevention in particular.

Risk Financing
Risk Financing

Fall prevention is the issue in question

  • Apply a risk-management model or framework to a specific risk-management priority. Fall prevention
    • Identify key performance indicators and measures associated with a specific risk-management issue.
    • Discuss strategies used to identify risk financing issues in a selected organization.
    • Provide recommendations for risk financing options related to an identified financial risk issue (fall prevention)
  • Analyze applicable legal and ethical institution-based values as they relate to quality assessment.
    • Summarize the legal and ethical financial risk obligations of an accountable care organization.


Include at least three APA-formatted in-text citations and accompanying congruent APA-formatted references.

  • Concisely describe the issue and the organization.
  • Summarize the legal and ethical financial risk obligations of an ACO.
  • Describe how you would identify and manage risk financing issues within this organization. Support your choice of strategies with relevant resources.
  • Recommend two or three of the best options for risk financing for this issue, as it relates to the organization in question.