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Response to Student Post

please respond to student post below 250 words minimum thank you Acne Vulgaris “Acne is a disorder of the pilosebaceous unit that involves proliferation of the keratinocytes at the opening of the follicle; increased production of sebum, stimulated by androgens, which combines with keratinocytes to plug the follicular opening; growth of Propionibacterium acnes, an anaerobic diphtheroid normally found on the skin; and inflammation from bacterial activity and release of free fatty acids and enzymes from activated neutrophils. Cosmetics, humidity, heavy sweating, and stress are contributing factors. Most recommendations for treatment of acne are divided along its morphologic subdivisions: comedonal (mild), inflammatory (moderate), and nodulocystic (severe).” (Bickley, 2020). Acne is common amongst adolescents and affects about 85% of the population in the United States alone. (Bickley, 2020) When assessing a teenager with new acne it is important to discuss emotional feelings towards their appearance as well as the beginning treatment for the acne.

Educating the patient and parents on diet changes is important as well. Lesions can appear on the face, neck, chest, arms, and back. “Drug selection is based on symptom severity. For patients with relatively mild symptoms, topical therapy can suffice. When symptoms are more severe, oral therapy is required. Mild acne can be managed with topical antibiotics and topical retinoids. Moderate acne can be treated with oral antibiotics (e.g., doxycycline, minocycline) and comedolytics (retinoids and azelaic acid). In addition, hormonal agents—combination oral contraceptives (OCs) and spironolactone—can be used in young women whose acne is unresponsive to other drugs. The principal agent for severe acne is isotretinoin.” (Rosenthal & Burchum, 2021) There are no specific tests that can confirm acne.

The appearance alone and the patients age are determinates of acne itself. Although it is common in the younger population it can also occur in those whom are going through hormonal changes such as pregnancy, menopause, and/or transitioning genders. I chose this topic because many people suffer from acne and I know that it can take a toll on their mental health as well as be painful. Reference: Bickley, L. S. (2020). Bates’ guide to physical examination and history taking, 13e (13th ed.). Wolters Kluwer Health. Rosenthal, L. D. & Burchum, J. R. (2021) Lehne’s Pharmacotherapeutics for advanced practice nurses and Physician Assistants, 2nd edition. Elsevier



Response to Student Post

This is a detailed and exceptional post about acne vulgaris. As mentioned, there is no test for acne. It can be diagnosed through visual inspection by an individual victim or healthcare provider. However, it is advisable to see a dermatologist to properly diagnose acne because various grades of acne always need different types of treatment. Also, many other skin conditions are similar to acne, which may require a different approach (Espinosa & Cohen, 2020). Although there is no test for acne, sometimes clinicians may scrap or take a swab of a lesion for microbiological culture or assessment to rule out infection sources. In women, a hormone blood test may be conducted to establish conditions such as Cushing syndrome, pregnancy, high testosterone, and excessive prolactin. Imaging tests such as X-rays, MRI studies, or CT scans can also be used not to diagnose acne but to determine the presence of predisposing conditions such as an ovarian tumor, ovarian cysts, or adrenal tumor.

Acne is highly common in adolescents and adolescents are psychologically vulnerable. They are sensitive to changes in their bodies and looks. Acne often strikes adolescents at a period when they are undergoing utmost social, psychological, and physical change. As such, it can become psychologically and emotionally overwhelming to adolescents. Acne is attributed to increased incidences of anxiety, depression, poor self-image, social impairment, low self-esteem, suicide ideation, and suicide attempts (Haroon et al., 2019). AS such, although acne is not associated with physical disability, mortality, or morbidity, it needs to be approached and treated as a severe health condition that can cause a significant effect on the quality of life of adolescents.


Espinosa, N. I., & Cohen, P. R. (2020). Acne Vulgaris: A Patient and Physician’s Experience. Dermatology and Therapy, 10(1), 1-14.

Haroon, M. Z., Alam, A., Ullah, I., Ali, R., Taimur, M. F., & Raza, K. (2019). Quality of life and depression among young patients suffering from acne. J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad, 31(3), 436-440.