NUR-720 Assignment 15.1: Presentation of Evidence Synthesis FRANK

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NUR-720 Assignment 15.1: Presentation of Evidence Synthesis FRANK

Order a NUR-720 Assignment 15.1: Presentation of Evidence Synthesis FRANK paper today!

Value: 50 points

Assignment Guidelines

Now that you have completed your synthesis paper, you need to present your findings.

NUR-720 Assignment 15.1: Presentation of Evidence Synthesis FRANK
NUR-720 Assignment 15.1: Presentation of Evidence Synthesis FRANK

Create a professional podium presentation of your 720 Project:

  •         Use PowerPoint or similar as a visual.
  •         Follow Best Practice for PowerPoint Presentations from Week 2.
  •         Please be cognizant of your surroundings, your voice level, and your appearance.
  •         Limit your presentation to eight minutes.


Post your presentation on Bongo by Monday of Week 15.


Order a NUR-720 Assignment 15.1: Presentation of Evidence Synthesis FRANK paper today!


Required Presentation Content

  •     Clinical or management problem or issue
  •     Background/significance of problem
  •     Clinical foreground question—PICO(T)
  •     Search parameters, methods, sources, yield
  •     Summary of critical appraisal of evidence
  •     Synthesis of evidence
  •     Clinical practice implications
  •     Why this would or would not work as a DNP project*



*Include a description of why this project (if fully developed with an implementation phase) would be defined as QI, EBP, or research. (Use the readings from Week 1 and Week 10 as a base to support your stance.)

For this assignment, you will be using Bongo to record your video. Refer to the Bongo section on the Course Essentials page for instructions on submitting this assignment using the Bongo platform. This assignment requires you to add slides with your presentation. Know that Bongo is very sensitive to bandwidth and Internet speed. Use Chrome for Bongo.

This assignment will be graded using the Assignment 15.1: Presentation Rubric found in your syllabus.



Submit your assignment on the Assignment 15.1: Presentation of Evidence Synthesis page.