module 4 Aaaignment-EBP Project finding the Evidence

module 4 Aaaignment-EBP Project finding the Evidence

module 4 Aaaignment-EBP Project finding the Evidence
module 4 Aaaignment-EBP Project finding the Evidence

Module 4 Evidence Based Practice: Finding the Evidence

Submit by the due date and time listed in your syllabus.
This assignment will allow you to create an evidence-based practice project that includes the development of a PICO question and follows the initial steps of the Iowa Model. You will share your findings using an APA formatted paper.
Submitting your assignment
• Save this document to your desktop as a Word document.
• Open the document from your desktop and review the assignment instructions and grading rubric.
• Create a separate Word document for your paper.
• Return to the course and upload your paper and your approved nursing research article to the assignment submission link. Please note: if you forget to upload your nursing quantitative research article, a 5 point penalty will be applied to your paper.
• Make sure that everything is right before you submit. You only have one chance to submit this assignment, and that attempt is what will be graded. No corrections or resets will be permitted once you submit. This is necessary to ensure that the plagiarism checker works properly.
Grading Rubric
See the grading rubric for the assignment to understand exactly how you will be graded. If there is any discrepancy between these instructions and the rubric, the rubric will be the final authority as to how the assignment will be graded.
Instructions for Completing Your Assignment
o Step one: Using the topic list from module 2, identify a nursing clinical practice topic that you would like to explore.

o Step two: Use the PICO(T) question in the final form approved by your instructor or coach. If your question was not approved in module 2, you may continue to dialogue with your coach or instructor up until Wednesday of week 4. If you still have not had a question ap-proved by that time read the instructions for developing a PICO(T) question carefully and be sure to follow them. Coaches and instructors will not advise you regarding PICO(T) questions after Wednesday of week 4.

o Step three: Search for a nursing quantitative research article that relates to your PICO question using Academic Search Complete, CINHAL, Pubmed, Google Scholar, or any other database that contains nursing research articles. Please note: you can use the article that you submitted in Module Two to meet this requirement so long as it was approved.
o The article you will find must meet the following mandatory requirements:
 It must be based on the approved topic list unless other arrangements were made with your instructor or coach.
 It must be from a nursing research journal or have a nurse as an author.
 It must be no more than 5 years old from the current publication year.
 It must include implications and / or interventions that are applicable to nursing practice.
 It may not be a qualitative article, systematic review, meta-synthesis, meta-analysis, meta-summary, integrative review, retrospective study, evidence based practice project, or quality improvement article. For more infor-mation on how to recognize these types of article see Grove & Gray (2019) pp. 21-23.
 It may not be a clinical information article or “how-to” article.

o Step Four: Collecting More Evidence (Do the research)
 Find a credible scholarly or government resource published within the past 5 years that provides you with at least two facts (ex. costs, morbidity, mortality, safety, or other related statistics) for why your clinical problem is important (provide statis-tics). (The internet is a great place to get this information…just don’t forget to cite this information and add it to your reference page).
 Find a clinical practice guideline that relates to your question. It must have infor-mation that relates to the role of the nurse. The guideline must be the most re-cent version or published within the past five years. (It is true that guidelines are not always updated within 5 years so you will need to discuss this.) There are sever-al websites listed in your textbook that can help with searching for guidelines. The UTA library also has resources for clinical practice guidelines. If the source you use is not actually a clinical practice guideline you will lose a substantial amount of points on your paper.
 Find a clinical “how-to” article, a nursing professional practice website, a systematic literature review, a meta-analysis, or some other credible academic resource pub-lished within the past 5 years that relates to your practice question.
 Hint: Did you notice that you will be finding a total of four different sources of in-formation for your PICO question? To re-cap, these four sources are:
• Statistics you are reporting in paragraph one.
• Nursing quantitative research article for paragraphs 2, 3, and 4
• Clinical Practice Guideline (paragraph 5)
• A source of your choosing (paragraph 6)

o Step Five: Write up your findings in APA format and submit them to assignment portal by the due date and time listed in your syllabus. Here’s how to write up your findings:
 Start with a 7th edition APA cover page. An example is provided by the instructor. The paper itself (not including cover page and references should be six pages or less)
 Paragraph #1: This is your opening paragraph. Start with an introduction statement. What is your PICO question? Describe why was it important (share the dollars, mor-bidity / mortality, statistics, safety stats you found with citation)? Paragraph #1 does not have a heading. You should put the title of your whole paper in the center in bold font where a heading would go. For the rest of the paragraphs, use the follow-ing headings: Summary of Research Article, Major Variables, Strengths and Weak-nesses, Practice Guideline, Fourth Resource, Conclusion.
 Paragraph #2: What did your nursing quantitative research article add to your knowledge on this topic? State the design. Researchers use all sorts of different terms to describe designs, but you should use one of the broad terms mentioned in our textbook (descriptive, correlational, predictive correlational, model testing, ex-perimental, or quasi-experimental). State the sampling method (also using one of the sampling method terms discussed in your textbook), and setting of the study (this should only take one sentence: e.g. “Smith and Johnson conducted a predic-tive correlational study using a convenience sample from a psychiatric outpatient clinic.”). State the major findings of the study (maximum 3 findings). The findings you share should come from the results or discussion settings and should be rele-vant to your PICO question and your practice as a nurse.
 Paragraph #3. Mention the major research variables in your article. Do not include demographic variables unless they are important to the results of the study. For each major variable, give a conceptual and operational definition (if the authors did not give a conceptual definition you can say “not given”). However, you can always say something about the operational definitions for variables because the authors must discuss the way in which variables are measured. Give the level of measure-ment for each variable (nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio).

 Paragraph #4: Using the skills you have learned in your critique of a research article, describe two strengths or two weaknesses (or one strength and one weakness) that you found as you read this article. Go back to what you learned in your article cri-tique about sampling methods, measurement methods (ex. questionnaires), and da-ta collection (how did they collect the data to make sure you are being thorough in your assessment. Be specific, so that your instructor, if reading the article, can find them too. Do not re-state the limitations provided by the authors of your study un-less they have to do with the study’s sampling, measurement methods, or data col-lection. Do not discuss the research design or the descriptive or inferential statis-tics used by the authors as a strength or weakness of the study, as this is not related to with the study’s sampling, measurement methods, or data collection.
 Paragraph #5: What is the name and of the clinical practice guideline that you found? Give a weblink and an APA citation for the guideline. Share at least three facts that you found within the guideline that are relevant to the PICO question and your practice as a BSN nurse and cite the guideline appropriately. Make sure the source you cite is actually a clinical practice guideline with advice directed toward healthcare professionals.
 Paragraph #6: Identify the fourth resource you found (clinical “how-to” article, a systematic literature review, or a meta-analysis) that relates to your practice ques-tion. Share at least three facts that you found within this source that is relevant to the PICO question and your practice as a nurse, and cite appropriately.
 Paragraph #7 (and #8 if needed): re-state your PICO question and briefly summarize what you have learned through your search. Include information from each of your sources, and be sure to cite them all. Then, give specific recommendations for nurs-ing practice. What would you recommend, if anything, as a change in practice for nurses? Why? Remember, this is your closing paragraph(s).
 Note to students about writing up your findings:
o This is a formal APA paper. Look at the Rubric for more APA information for this paper.
o Your paper must be between four and seven pages (double spaced). Use the fol-lowing headings for paragraphs 2 through 7: Summary of Research Article, Major Variables, Strengths and Weaknesses, Practice Guideline, Fourth Resource, Con-clusion. These headings should all be centered and in bold font. Do not use a heading for the first paragraph. Instead, use the title and center it in bold font.
o Don’t use first person language (I, my, we, etc.) and don’t directly address the reader (you need to, etc.).
o Turn your paper (as a word document) and article (in pdf format) that you used for paragraphs 2, 3, and 4 in to the assignment submission link in Module Four at the due date and time listed in your syllabus.
o Possible points for this assignment: 100 points



Evidence Based Practice Project:Finding the Evidence v2
Evidence Based Practice Project:Finding the Evidence v2
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Nursing research article selected.
5 to >0 pts
Research article is a quantitative article, nursing focused, and is 5 years or less from current publication date. Article must be uploaded as a pdf file. Please note: if you forget to upload your nursing quantitative research article, a 5 point penalty will be applied to your paper 0 pts
Needs Improvement
Research article is not nursing focused or is a qualitative article, systematic review, meta-synthesis, meta-analysis, meta-summary, integrative review, clinical information article or “how-to” article. No article uploaded.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Opening Paragraph(Paragraph #1)
10 to >8 pts
Introduction statement(s) present. PICO question with all elements present. Statement of importance with two facts such as costs, morbidity, mortality, safety. Include related statistics with citation and is 5 years or less from current publication date. 8 to >5 pts
No introduction statement(s). PICO statement is incomplete. Statement of importance incomplete or missing. Citation is incomplete or missing. 5 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
No introduction statement(s). PICO statement grossly incomplete or missing. Statement of importance missing. No citation
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome General Format
5 to >4 pts
Completely met
Paper is between four to seven double spaced pages in length (not including cover page and references). Paper includes the following headings: Summary of Research Article, Major Variables, Strengths and Weaknesses, Practice Guideline, Fourth Resource, Conclusion 5 points 4 to >0 pts
Partially met
Paper more than seven pages, or less than four pages, headings missing, or incorrect headings. 4 – 1 points 0 pts
Not met
Paper greater than seven pages, or less than four pages, and headings missing or incorrect.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Summary paragraph for your nursing quantitative research article. (Paragraph #2)
15 to >13 pts
NOTE: If your primary research article did not meet the criteria for being accepted, you will likely get few or no points for this section! Correctly identified design, sampling method, and setting of study. Design should be specified as one of the following: descriptive, correlational, predictive correlational, model testing, quasi-experimental, or experimental. Sampling method given should be one of the methods discussed in the textbook. Identified major findings of study. Major findings include information from the Results and / or Discussion sections. Major findings clearly tied to PICO question. Facts connected to your nursing practice. 13 to >5 pts
Design, sampling method, or setting incorrect. Identified findings are not the most important findings. Only one finding includes results or discussion sections. Major findings not clearly tied to PICO question. Facts not clearly connected to your nursing practice. 5 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
Design, sampling method, and setting not identified. No major findings clearly identified from the article. No findings from the results or discussion sections No attempt to connect the major findings from the article back to the PICO question. No attempt to connect the major findings from the article back to your nursing practice.
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Major research variables (Paragraph #3)
10 to >8 pts
NOTE: If your primary research article did not meet the criteria for being accepted, you will likely get few or no points for this section! All major variables included. If the design is experimental or quasi-experimental or predictive correlational the dependent and independent variables should be identified. Conceptual definition for each variable mentioned or its absence noted. Operational definition for each variable mentioned. Correct level of measurement given for each variable. 8 to >0 pts
Some major variables missing or variables included that are not actually major variables. Incorrect or missing conceptual or operational definitions. Incorrect or missing levels of measurement. 0 pts
Needs Improvement
Paragraph missing.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Two additional strengths or weaknesses from your nursing quantitative research article. (Paragraph #4)
10 to >8 pts
NOTE: If your primary research article did not meet the criteria for being accepted, you will likely get few or no points for this section! Two strengths or two weaknesses or one strength and one weakness are specifically identified from your nursing quantitative research article. The student choices for strengths / weaknesses must focus on the methods used by the authors for sampling, measurement methods used (ex. a questionnaire), or how the data was collected (data collection) with examples from the student’s research article. 8 to >5 pts
Only one strength / or weakness explained well with second strength / weakness only identified. Strengths / weaknesses not based on sample, measurement methods, or data collection. 5 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
Strength / weaknesses identified are not based on these three critique skills. No strengths / weaknesses identified.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Clinical practice guideline summary.(Paragraph #5)
10 to >8 pts
NOTE: If you do not use an actual clinical practice guideline you will get few or no points for this section! Name and specific website (including internet link) of the clinical practice guideline identified. Guideline is the most recent version or published within the past five years. Three facts clearly identified that were found within the guideline and relate to the practice of a BSN. Facts clearly tied to PICO question. Facts connected to your nursing practice. 8 to >5 pts
Name of the clinical practice guideline or website not clearly identified. Fewer than three facts clearly identified that were found within the guideline or facts not specifically related to the practice of the nurse. Facts vaguely tied to PICO question. Facts vaguely connected to your nursing practice. 5 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
What is given is not a clinical practice guideline. Name of the clinical practice guideline and website not stated. No clearly identified facts from the guideline. Facts not tied to PICO question or nursing practice.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome “Fourth resource” summary.(Paragraph #6)
10 to >8 pts
Three facts clearly identified from the fourth resource which is 5 years or less from current publication date. Facts clearly tied to PICO question. Facts connected to your nursing practice. 8 to >5 pts
Less than three facts clearly identified from the fourth resource. Facts not clearly tied to PICO question. Facts not clearly connected your nursing practice. 5 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
No facts clearly identified from the fourth resource. Fourth resource is not an academic source. No attempt to connect facts from the fourth resource back to the PICO question. No attempt to connect facts from the fourth resource back to your nursing practice.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Closing Paragraph(s)(Paragraph #7, and #8 if needed)
10 to >8 pts
PICO question is restated. A summary of what was learned (from all sources) is present. Sources are cited. Recommendations for practice are offered. 8 to >5 pts
Missing one or more of the following elements: PICO question. A summary of what was learned. Recommendations for practice. 5 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
No PICO question. Poor or no attempt to summarize information from the resources. No / vague recommendations for practice are offered.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome APA Style and Formatting
15 to >14 pts
APA formatting for this paper will follow the guidelines for general formatting, in text-citations, margins, headings (if desired) alignment and line spacing, font type and size, paragraph indentation, page headers, and the reference page as explained in the 7th edition of the APA Manual. Helpful Hints: • Do not use 1st person in a formal paper. • Do not use direct quotes, instead summarize and paraphrase what you are reading. Direct quotes will receive multiple point deductions. These deductions are separate from the 15 points for APA. In other words, there is no limit to the number of points that can be deducted for excess direct quotes. • Please do not forget to use the approved CONHI cover page. The first time an APA error is discovered, it will be pointed out to you and a point will be deducted from your paper. Maximum number of points deducted for APA errors: 15 points 14 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
APA formatting for this paper will follow the guidelines for general formatting, in text-citations, margins, headings (if desired) alignment and line spacing, font type and size, paragraph indentation, page headers, and the reference page as explained in the 7th edition of the APA Manual. Helpful Hints: • Do not use 1st person in a formal paper. • Do not use direct quotes, instead summarize and paraphrase what you are reading. Direct quotes will receive multiple point deductions. These deductions are separate from the 15 points for APA. Up to fifty points can be deducted for direct quotes. • Please do not forget to use the approved CONHI cover page. Each error of spelling, grammar, capitalization or APA usage will receive a one point deduction. Maximum number of points deducted for APA errors: 15 points 0 pts
Not Proficient
APA formatting for this paper will follow the guidelines for general formatting, in text-citations, margins, headings (if desired) alignment and line spacing, font type and size, paragraph indentation, page headers, and the reference page as explained in the 7th edition of the APA Manual. Helpful Hints: • Do not use 1st person in a formal paper. • Do not use direct quotes, instead summarize and paraphrase what you are reading. Direct quotes will receive multiple point deductions. These deductions are separate from the 15 points for APA. Up to fifty points can be deducted for direct quotes. • Please do not forget to use the approved CONHI cover page. Each error of spelling, grammar, capitalization or APA usage will receive a one point deduction. Maximum number of points deducted for APA errors: 15 points
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Excessive Direct Quotes
0 pts
Direct Quotes
Five points will be deducted for each direct quote up to a maximum of fifty points. 0 pts
No Direct Quotes
0 pts
Total Points: 100
Module 4: Assignment – EBP Project – Finding the Evidence
Due Jul 30 by 11:59pm Points 100 Submitting a file upload Attempts 0 Allowed Attempts 1 Available until Aug 1 at 11:59pm
EBP Project – Finding the Evidence

Warning: You may only submit once for this assignment. Make sure your submission is your final version and that you have included both your paper and your primary research study article.

Assignment Instructions

In this assignment, students will be asked to create the initial steps of an evidence based practice project using your topic and the article you found in Topic, PICO Question and Article assignment (so long as it was approved). Students will also need their PICO(T) question (if it was approved). The student will locate several additional resources to answer their PICO question, and write this information into a paper using APA style.

If the student does not have an approved article or PICO question, they may reach out to their coach and/or instructor for this until 11:59 PM on Wednesday of week 4. After that time, the student should carefully read the instructions and find an article or question that they feel best meets those instructions.

Please click on the link below for more information, and watch your due dates and times carefully. For additional help, use the Module 4 discussion board. Your paper should be between five and seven double spaced pages, but that does not include the cover page or references.

Finding the Evidence Paper Instructions v4.docx

Be very careful not to plagiarize in this assignment. Remember, if you use a source and do not cite it, that is plagiarism. Go back to the plagiarism tutorial or ask a librarian if you have any questions. Any instances of plagiarism detected will result in your failing the course and being referred to the Office of Community Standards.

Please note that no direct quotes are allowed in this paper. Each direct quote will receive a five point deduction from your grade.
Submit your EBP Project – Finding the Evidence assignment and your nursing quantitative research article to the link above.



Evidence Based Practice Project:Finding the Evidence v2
Evidence Based Practice Project:Finding the Evidence v2
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeNursing research article selected.
5 to >0.0 pts
Research article is a quantitative article, nursing focused, and is 5 years or less from current publication date. Article must be uploaded as a pdf file. Please note: if you forget to upload your nursing quantitative research article, a 5 point penalty will be applied to your paper
0 pts
Needs Improvement
Research article is not nursing focused or is a qualitative article, systematic review, meta-synthesis, meta-analysis, meta-summary, integrative review, clinical information article or “how-to” article. No article uploaded.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOpening Paragraph(Paragraph #1)
10 to >8.0 pts
Introduction statement(s) present. PICO question with all elements present. Statement of importance with two facts such as costs, morbidity, mortality, safety. Include related statistics with citation and is 5 years or less from current publication date.
8 to >5.0 pts
No introduction statement(s). PICO statement is incomplete. Statement of importance incomplete or missing. Citation is incomplete or missing.
5 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
No introduction statement(s). PICO statement grossly incomplete or missing. Statement of importance missing. No citation
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGeneral Format
5 to >4.0 pts
Completely met
Paper is between four to seven double spaced pages in length (not including cover page and references). Paper includes the following headings: Summary of Research Article, Major Variables, Strengths and Weaknesses, Practice Guideline, Fourth Resource, Conclusion 5 points
4 to >0.0 pts
Partially met
Paper more than seven pages, or less than four pages, headings missing, or incorrect headings. 4 – 1 points
0 pts
Not met
Paper greater than seven pages, or less than four pages, and headings missing or incorrect.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSummary paragraph for your nursing quantitative research article. (Paragraph #2)
15 to >13.0 pts
NOTE: If your primary research article did not meet the criteria for being accepted, you will likely get few or no points for this section! Correctly identified design, sampling method, and setting of study. Design should be specified as one of the following: descriptive, correlational, predictive correlational, model testing, quasi-experimental, or experimental. Sampling method given should be one of the methods discussed in the textbook. Identified major findings of study. Major findings include information from the Results and / or Discussion sections. Major findings clearly tied to PICO question. Facts connected to your nursing practice.
13 to >5.0 pts
Design, sampling method, or setting incorrect. Identified findings are not the most important findings. Only one finding includes results or discussion sections. Major findings not clearly tied to PICO question. Facts not clearly connected to your nursing practice.
5 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
Design, sampling method, and setting not identified. No major findings clearly identified from the article. No findings from the results or discussion sections No attempt to connect the major findings from the article back to the PICO question. No attempt to connect the major findings from the article back to your nursing practice.
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMajor research variables (Paragraph #3)
10 to >8.0 pts
NOTE: If your primary research article did not meet the criteria for being accepted, you will likely get few or no points for this section! All major variables included. If the design is experimental or quasi-experimental or predictive correlational the dependent and independent variables should be identified. Conceptual definition for each variable mentioned or its absence noted. Operational definition for each variable mentioned. Correct level of measurement given for each variable.
8 to >0.0 pts
Some major variables missing or variables included that are not actually major variables. Incorrect or missing conceptual or operational definitions. Incorrect or missing levels of measurement.
0 pts
Needs Improvement
Paragraph missing.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTwo additional strengths or weaknesses from your nursing quantitative research article. (Paragraph #4)
10 to >8.0 pts
NOTE: If your primary research article did not meet the criteria for being accepted, you will likely get few or no points for this section! Two strengths or two weaknesses or one strength and one weakness are specifically identified from your nursing quantitative research article. The student choices for strengths / weaknesses must focus on the methods used by the authors for sampling, measurement methods used (ex. a questionnaire), or how the data was collected (data collection) with examples from the student’s research article.
8 to >5.0 pts
Only one strength / or weakness explained well with second strength / weakness only identified. Strengths / weaknesses not based on sample, measurement methods, or data collection.
5 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
Strength / weaknesses identified are not based on these three critique skills. No strengths / weaknesses identified.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClinical practice guideline summary.(Paragraph #5)
10 to >8.0 pts
NOTE: If you do not use an actual clinical practice guideline you will get few or no points for this section! Name and specific website (including internet link) of the clinical practice guideline identified. Guideline is the most recent version or published within the past five years. Three facts clearly identified that were found within the guideline and relate to the practice of a BSN. Facts clearly tied to PICO question. Facts connected to your nursing practice.
8 to >5.0 pts
Name of the clinical practice guideline or website not clearly identified. Fewer than three facts clearly identified that were found within the guideline or facts not specifically related to the practice of the nurse. Facts vaguely tied to PICO question. Facts vaguely connected to your nursing practice.
5 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
What is given is not a clinical practice guideline. Name of the clinical practice guideline and website not stated. No clearly identified facts from the guideline. Facts not tied to PICO question or nursing practice.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome“Fourth resource” summary.(Paragraph #6)
10 to >8.0 pts
Three facts clearly identified from the fourth resource which is 5 years or less from current publication date. Facts clearly tied to PICO question. Facts connected to your nursing practice.
8 to >5.0 pts
Less than three facts clearly identified from the fourth resource. Facts not clearly tied to PICO question. Facts not clearly connected your nursing practice.
5 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
No facts clearly identified from the fourth resource. Fourth resource is not an academic source. No attempt to connect facts from the fourth resource back to the PICO question. No attempt to connect facts from the fourth resource back to your nursing practice.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClosing Paragraph(s)(Paragraph #7, and #8 if needed)
10 to >8.0 pts
PICO question is restated. A summary of what was learned (from all sources) is present. Sources are cited. Recommendations for practice are offered.
8 to >5.0 pts
Missing one or more of the following elements: PICO question. A summary of what was learned. Recommendations for practice.
5 to >0 pts
Needs Improvement
No PICO question. Poor or no attempt to summarize information from the resources. No / vague recommendations for practice are offered.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Style and Formatting
15 to >14.0 pts
APA formatting for this paper will follow the guidelines for general formatting, in text-citations, margins, headings (if desired) alignment and line spacing, font type and size, paragraph indentation, page headers, and the reference page as explained in the 7th edition of the APA Manual. Helpful Hints: • Do not use 1st person in a formal paper. • Do not use direct quotes, instead summarize and paraphrase what you are reading. Direct quotes will receive multiple point deductions. These deductions are separate from the 15 points for APA. In other words, there is no limit to the number of points that can be deducted for excess direct quotes. • Please do not forget to use the approved CONHI cover page. The first time an APA error is discovered, it will be pointed out to you and a point will be deducted from your paper. Maximum number of points deducted for APA errors: 15 points
14 to >0.0 pts
Needs Improvement
APA formatting for this paper will follow the guidelines for general formatting, in text-citations, margins, headings (if desired) alignment and line spacing, font type and size, paragraph indentation, page headers, and the reference page as explained in the 7th edition of the APA Manual. Helpful Hints: • Do not use 1st person in a formal paper. • Do not use direct quotes, instead summarize and paraphrase what you are reading. Direct quotes will receive multiple point deductions. These deductions are separate from the 15 points for APA. Up to fifty points can be deducted for direct quotes. • Please do not forget to use the approved CONHI cover page. Each error of spelling, grammar, capitalization or APA usage will receive a one point deduction. Maximum number of points deducted for APA errors: 15 points
0 pts
Not Proficient
APA formatting for this paper will follow the guidelines for general formatting, in text-citations, margins, headings (if desired) alignment and line spacing, font type and size, paragraph indentation, page headers, and the reference page as explained in the 7th edition of the APA Manual. Helpful Hints: • Do not use 1st person in a formal paper. • Do not use direct quotes, instead summarize and paraphrase what you are reading. Direct quotes will receive multiple point deductions. These deductions are separate from the 15 points for APA. Up to fifty points can be deducted for direct quotes. • Please do not forget to use the approved CONHI cover page. Each error of spelling, grammar, capitalization or APA usage will receive a one point deduction. Maximum number of points deducted for APA errors: 15 points
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExcessive Direct Quotes
0 pts
Direct Quotes
Five points will be deducted for each direct quote up to a maximum of fifty points.
0 pts
No Direct Quotes
0 pts
Total Points: 100

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