Identify two actual and two risk nursing diagnoses

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Identify two actual and two risk nursing diagnoses

Identify two actual and two risk nursing diagnoses
Identify two actual and two risk nursing diagnoses

A 22-year-old girl is admitted to the National Institute of Mental Health accompanied by her mother with complaints of history of repeated self-injurious behavior, aggressive behavior toward others, feeling of emptiness and lack of interest in all activities. These symptoms started six months ago after she completed her higher secondary certificate (HSC) exam. Family environment is described by the client as very chaotic, hostile & distressful. She stated that growing up, her father enforced rules that were harsh and rigid. Client now lives with her boyfriend whom she always gets into a fight with.

On mental state examination, client is cooperative, coherent, and kempt. She is generally dysphoric with a constricted affect but denies current suicidal ideations. Client has multiple superficial abrasions on her arms and admits to cutting herself the day before when her boyfriend threatens to leave her. This is the third psychiatric admission for the client. The last one was last year after she hit a coworker over a dispute in their work schedule. Client has been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder.

Based on the case study, do the following.

1. Identify two actual and two risk nursing diagnoses. Prioritize client’s problems.

2. Based on the #1 priority nursing diagnosis, identify three client outcomes/goals (must meet the SMART criteria).

3. Identify five nursing interventions specific to the achievement of pt goals/outcomes.

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