Hypothesize how nurses can positively impact future outcomes related to the provision of care for persons affected by the health issue.

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Hypothesize how nurses can positively impact future outcomes related to the provision of care for persons affected by the health issue.

Hypothesize how nurses can positively impact future outcomes related to the provision of care for persons affected by the health issue.
Hypothesize how nurses can positively impact future outcomes related to the provision of care for persons affected by the health issue.

Write a formal paper (500-1,000 words in length), using APA format. A title page, conclusion, and a reference page are required, but an abstract and introduction are not. Include the following:

1) Assess the past and present impact nurses, including advanced professional/ advanced practice nurses, have made in addressing this health issue.

2) Describe how nurses can become more broadly involved with influencing health policy related to this issue. Include available resources.

3) Hypothesize how nurses can positively impact future outcomes related to the provision of care for persons affected by the health issue.

4) Synthesize all aspects of the health care issue through a summary conclusion, concisely tying up Parts 1-8 of the CLC project.

This is a CLC assignment.

  1. Check into your respective Collaborative Learning Community and provide contact information. Describe your prior experience with health policy.
  2. Read “CLC Health Issue Analysis Overview.”
  3. Read “CLC Group Project Agreement.”
  4. Transfer “CLC Group Project Agreement” to your CLC team space, come to a consensus on team responsibilities, and complete one copy of the form.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

NUR 508 CLC Group Project Agreement

Grading Criteria

CLC Course Information

Course Name/Section Number:

Instructor’s Name:

Start Date of the Course:

CLC Member Contact Information

(Who is in our group?)

CLC Member Name   Primary E-mail Address         Secondary E-mail Address     Other Contact Information

CLC Group Values

(What do we need to do to ensure our team’s success?)

What Each Team Member Agrees to Do       Why This Is Important to the Team

Check into the CLC regularly to review progress on the assignment.

Contribute ideas and feedback to the group from initial discussions throughout project completion.

Communicate with all CLC members as soon as a problem or issue arises.

Maintain respectful communications with all team members.

Complete assigned tasks by the deadlines set by the CLC members.

Take a leadership role in CLC assignments.

Make sure to cite and reference all sources of information used in completing tasks.

Project Management Specifics

(What needs to be undertaken to complete the CLC project?)

CLC Group Member’s Name Task to be completed by This Team Member

(This section will change for each CLC Project.)       Due Date for Completing the Task for the CLC to Review

Contributing one or more ideas for how the project should be completed.

Outlining the CLC project.

Assigning tasks to CLC members.

Performing research on assigned topics and writing it up for CLC members to review.

Making sure everyone meets their assigned deadlines for tasks.

Proofreading and editing the paper.

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