Grant Development

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Grant Development

Grant Development
Grant Development

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Grant Development Program Transcript

RONNA GOTTHAINER: At the Howard County Health Department, we rely very heavily on grand funds.

NARRATOR: Howard County’s health officer, Maura Rossman, and deputy health officer, Ronna Gotthainer, discuss the importance of grant development.

RONNA GOTTHAINER: We have funds that come from the federal government but they go through the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to us. And I’d say about 60% of the money comes from grants, either from state and federal funds or from private organizations.

So we apply for funding through the state annually– we have to reapply for just about every grant we have– or apply for other funding opportunities through private foundations. And once we have that money, then we have to do the reporting, have to implement the programs, have to make sure we have an evaluation process in place. So it’s something that we rely on heavily to keep all of our programs going.

MAURA ROSSMAN: Healthy Howard currently has a federal and state grant to do the enrolling folks into the health care exchange in Maryland. The Health Department has a grant for the Maryland Health Resource Commission to fund our community care team and build patient centered medical homes within Howard County.

RONNA GOTTHAINER: Right now we have quite a few grants in place. They fund family planning, immunizations, cancer prevention and screening, tobacco cessation, they fund behavioral health services, they fund the WIC program. So a lot of our clinical services and a lot of other services that help with clinics.

MAURA ROSSMAN: Grant development in this day and age is absolutely necessary. As state and local dollars become harder to obtain, we rely on grants to provide us with the funding to do some of the work, especially the creative and innovative work we’re doing. It’s building an infrastructure where we have the ability to be able to write the grants to receive the money, and that takes special talents and skill so we’re always looking for folks that have that skill set to allow us to do the work that we think is important.