Evidence Based Nursing for Quality Improvement

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Evidence Based Nursing for Quality Improvement

Evidence Based Nursing for Quality Improvement


(Consider: Who is your population? What is the problem you want to address? How will you know if what you have done has made a change i.e. how will you measure the outcome).

  1. Introduction: (1100 words approx. for these three sections combined)

Problem Description.

What is the problem being addressed?  (Consider: This may be something you have identified yourself from placement or may be something you have found in the QI literature. Here you need to state what the problem is, explain why this is an issue for practice and provide supporting references) Available Knowledge. What do we know about this area? (Consider: In this section you need to provide some background detail in two main areas: the topic, and the intervention.

What is the issue you are addressing, how many people internationally, regionally or locally are affected by this issue? What have researchers said about this issue? Have other solutions/interventions worked?)  What QI model will you use?  (Consider: There are a number of existing models, but you should use the PDSA cycle. Here you need to explain what the steps of this cycle are and how they relate to your QI plan)

Evidence Based Nursing for Quality Improvement
Evidence Based Nursing for Quality Improvement

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  1. Rationale for intervention (250 words approx.). 

(Consider: You need to provide a clear reason (or rationale) for why this idea might work) Specific Aims: (Consider: You can have one or more aims but these should say what it is you are seeking to change. Clearly and concisely write your aim/s)

  1. Methods (1300 words approximately for these sections combined):

Context. What is the context for the QI project?  (Consider: In which Health and Social Care Trust will you be conducting the project? Are there unique features of this Trust/Ward/Unit that need to be considered? How big is the Trust/Ward/Unit? How many patients does it see in a year? How many staff does it employ? All of these details can affect success of implementation and whether your intervention would work elsewhere) Intervention plan.  (Consider: You should describe the plan in enough detail so that others could replicate it.

Who will deliver this intervention? You alone or all team members? Are there particular skills/professions that need to be involved e.g., physiotherapy, speech and language. How long will the intervention last? How many times will it be delivered?) Measures. Assessing success of the intervention. (Consider: How will you know whether the intervention has worked? You might use a qualitative or quantitative approach, but you need to describe which of these you will employ and provide a reason. If you take a qualitative approach you will need to say what methods you will use (e.g., interviews, focus groups, observation etc.).

If you use a quantitative approach you will need to say how you will measure success (e.g., weight scales, EKG, questionnaire). You should be as specific as possible.  Gathering the information.  (Consider: Here you need to explain how you will collect the information using the methods you describe in 3.3. How will you approach your participants? What will they be told about your project? Are there any ethical considerations you should consider? Are there people you would exclude from the project? Who do you want to be included? How many of them do you want to include?)

  1. Analysis (150 words approx.).  

(Consider: While you will not be collecting data for this assignment you need to think about how you would go about analyzing any data that you might theoretically acquire. If you have chosen to gather qualitative data you need to describe the qualitative approach you will take to analysis (e.g., thematic analysis, narrative analysis, content analysis). If you have chosen a quantitative approach you can talk about descriptive (e.g., means, frequencies) and or inferential statistics (e.g., t-tests, correlations).

  1. Expected outcomes and impact of the intervention (150 words approx.)  

(Consider: If the intervention is successful what change do you think this will bring to the NHS either locally, regionally or nationally? Can your project be used in other hospitals across NI or the UK?  Explain why you think this. What benefit do you think this could have for others? This could be about improved health, greater satisfaction with treatment, improved well-being, reduced costs etc.).

  1. Costs (50 words approx.)

(Consider: What resources will you need to conduct this work? There may be none, apart from your time, but if you need help (you may need to pay for someone’s time) or need to buy equipment (i.e. a Dictaphone to record participants responses or to purchase questionnaires) that will have a cost.

Also consider the costs involved if you are suggesting training/ education (i.e., person delivering training/ cover for those attending training. as appropriate)