Evidence-based data for the proposed interventions

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Evidence-based data for the proposed interventions

Evidence-based data for the proposed interventions
Evidence-based data for the proposed interventions

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The evidence-based data to support the proposed intervention are based on peer-reviewed articles and experimental research. The information collected helps in the quantification of the IF’s potential to assist in the improvement of insulin sensitivity and reducing the fasting insulin levels. The research makes it easier to identify the impact of the treatment on the outcomes by causing a decrease in the influence of the confounding factors. The research findings also make it possible to determine individuals’ ability to take full control of their health and make some positive changes (Vitale & Kim, 2020). These are essential factors that play an important role in implementing intermittent fasting (IF) for successfully managing glucose levels in individuals diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

Factors that can Influence the Use of the Proposed Interventions

Various factors can affect the implementation of the IF to help in the successful management of glucose. Patients themselves influence the first factors, which include the patients’ insulin resistance, failure to adhere to healthy behaviors like poor dieting and scheduled eating and fasting windows, and the participant’s inactive lifestyle. Another factor is the commitment from the stakeholders in the implementation process (Vitale & Kim, 2020). The commitment from healthcare providers and patients or participants impacts the use of the proposed intervention.