Analyze challenges in seeking guidance on grant-seeking skills

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Analyze challenges in seeking guidance on grant-seeking skills

Analyze challenges in seeking guidance on grant-seeking skills
Analyze challenges in seeking guidance on grant-seeking skills

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Week 11: Grant Writing

Ana has been asked by her employer, a public health organization in Peru, to seek funding to improve pneumonia detection in her rural Peruvian community. She has amassed a great deal of information on the costs of x-ray and the other technology needed, salaries and personnel, potential outcomes, and the target population. Surely all of these details will convince a potential grantor to award funds to her organization. She eagerly shares her findings with her supervisor.


“This is a great start,” he says. “Have you decided which types of funding sources to approach? Public or private? By the way, you will need to delete about half of this content while still conveying its essence.” Ana is dismayed. She does not know which type of funding source would be more appropriate for the program. Also, she thought she already had a strong basis for her grant. Does she need to be more succinct, or clarify her points better? Her confidence level begins to ebb.

Welcome to the final week of the course. This week, you will explore topics related to grant writing. You will evaluate the appropriateness of different types of funding sources as well as your own grant-writing skills. You also will examine challenges and strategies related to completing request for proposals (RFPs) and funding opportunity announcements (FOAs).

Learning Objectives

Students will:

· Evaluate appropriateness of public and private funding sources for proposed health interventions

· Evaluate personal grant-seeking skills

· Analyze challenges in seeking guidance on grant-seeking skills

· Apply skills and knowledge gained to the grant-writing process

· Evaluate strategies for funding proposals



please read through these websites along with the attached few adobe pages, as RESOURCE MATERIAL

1)There will be a pdf attached in email that is called “grantwritting”



4) I will have 3 other short adobe PDF attached , as part of LEARNING RESOURCES