A maternity care information system (MCIS)

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A maternity care information system (MCIS)

A maternity care information system (MCIS)
A maternity care information system (MCIS)

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A maternity care information system (MCIS) is another type of niche system used to address the needs of obstetrics staff. An MCIS is used to support clinical protocols for maternity care, track mother and baby progress, capture fetal-uterine monitoring data, and record results of Doppler blood flow and other diagnostic tests. Key features of this system include electronic forms for documenting and reporting all aspects of antenatal, intrapartum, and postnatal care, as well as normal, healthy, or adverse pregnancy outcomes. Likewise, a neonatal information system (NIS) that interfaces with the EHR would contain much of the same information found in the primary system. Unique to an NIS would be growth charts, nutritional calculations, monitor parameters, and coding structures specific to the needs of critically ill newborns. Clinical staff in these specialty units can benefit from user-defined logbooks, resource utilization, quality improvement, and statistical reports designed for their specific needs.

The ED has unique computer needs related to clinical workflow, documentation of triage and patient encounters, tracking of patient location and treatment progress, charge capture and reimbursement management, clinical rules for risk mitigation, and patient education and referral. Once again, not unlike other niche systems, the emergency department information system (EDIS) is designed to improve clinical, operational, and financial outcomes throughout the entire ED experience. However, EDISs are often integrated into a facility’s EHR because EDs are the portal into acute care; these integrated data are then readily available to acute care providers and areas.